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Wildfire Pass
As you walk cautiously in, you look in awe at the solid rock walls that rise on both sides of you. You walk along still and find yourself in a forest with a deep pine needle carpet. The rock walls grow farther apart as you continue. The forest is dark and fog mysteriously hangs just above the forest floor. *Welcome to MY domain, traveler.* a voice says darkly. *I am the leader of the Dark's and you shall respect me.* the voice rises in tone. Then, a steel grey stallion emerges from a thick patch of fog, and looks at you with mysterious eyes. *I am Steele.* he says, beginning to walk a circle around you, disappearing in and out of the fog. *I am glad you decided to join the Darks. Since my brother is trying to rid of us.* He says rather flatly, before walking away into the fog.

Alpha Male ~~~ Steele
Alpha Female ~~~ Dark One

Back-up Male ~~~ Gingis Kahn
Back-up Female ~~~ Sarafina

Omega Male ~~~ *open*
Omega Female ~~~ *open*

Other Herd Members-


**Steele & Dark One**
**Gingis Kahn & Sarafina**

Where Are You?

Current News-
*none yet*

ATTENTION TO EVERYBODY WHO IS STILL HERE: this game is getting back on its feet. It is moving. tripod died. Enough said. I will keep you posted.

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Steele & Gingis Kahn watch over this TT
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