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Date Posted: 13:58:17 04/11/02 Thu
Author: Wanted
Subject: *Rolls his eyes and*
In reply to: Temp. Evermore, and Myst 's message, "~Bow~" on 13:33:23 04/11/02 Thu

*smiles slightly it turning out to be more of a smirk. He rears again before landing with a loud thud. Hoofs scrape the solid ground before he watches her sign burn itself back into her rump. But it was strange it was the sign of hell but a heart was in too. A warning to her leaders… he hissed silently* “Your in love.” *he shakes his head violently, striking the earth, viciously* “I don’t know how well you remember warrior you broke the rule… you turned on hell for awhile and you are in love..” *growls* “Is he a fit warrior?” *snorts* “Flames of Eternity no? You two together are perfect warriors no one can beat you. But he’s not loyal, you have five days make him your loyal mate or you will pay.” *throws his head at her. Though he bounded her to hell made her hells warrior she was one he kept for himself. He was amazed by her strength and ability to hate, he loved her attitude, she was a perfect warrior no fear and fights till the end. That’s why he couldn’t afford to lose her to something as petty as love, and they were perfect fighters together and with them hell and him can go far. He snorted* “Evermore is petty. She needs to be taught the ways of evil she takes too much after your dad, and we both know where that led... if you wish her to live she must learn the way of hell” *snorts watching Myst* “yes she will make the perfect warrior.”

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> I trot over to the piebald mare, my piebald coat shining like Suns and Stars -- Suns and Stars, 00:52:12 04/13/02 Sat

"Hello" I say and take a drink "what might be bothring such a beatifull mare on a ay like this?"http://www.seemesmile.com/photos4/2219445a.jpg

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