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Date Posted: 13:14:23 02/27/02 Wed
Author: Tempest
Subject: *sigs*
In reply to: Devil’s Tempest 's message, "The strawberry roan Brumby walks in" on 19:11:53 02/24/02 Sun

*Rears dangerously striking out with a amazing speed and strength, snorting she looks around gray eyes taking in her surroundings before she rears again ready to forget about her “bright” idea… a mate she could live with out.*


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[> [> *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Tempest, 16:45:12 03/02/02 Sat

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[> [> [> Re: *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Temper Rising, 16:10:04 03/09/02 Sat

*So, you don't want a mate?? Coz I'm looking for one just like you* I smile at her.

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[> [> [> [> Re: *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Temp, 17:04:50 03/09/02 Sat

*The mare looks to him with a soft sigh* “I highly doubt that” *sighs* “You have no idea my past you get involved with me you put yourself in danger” *she turns slightly before turning back* “listen to my past before you say” *she snorts knowing she can’t let her self fall in love before one knows her past for when they found out they leave her* "I was born to a dark mother and a neutral father. I had a twin the mare that was with me in Green meadows. My mother was abusive my father blind to it he never realized that she was abusive and always fell for her lies of how I was fighting or how I fell. When I was 2 months old she almost beat me to death, but still he didn’t realize it took another stallion to stop her, my mom told my dad that it was the stallion so he ran him out of the herd. Finally my father realized but was to chicken to fight back to save us but started somewhat when I was 5 months I found out my mom got pregnant again with my sister and brother and at 6 months I watched as my mother killed my father, and a week later she found a new mate that helped her with the abuse. My mom finally gave birth to my siblings when I was 7 months old” *sighs silently bending her head and takes a bit of grass before she continues* “she used my youngest sister as a slave, always making her tell when we did something wrong by brother who gained most of my mom’s strength and attitude she killed him knowing he would be to strong when old. Let’s rid of the threat before it’s a threat it’s easier right?” *Snorts* “I took over my dad herd when he died it was hard but I was stronger then my mom gave me credit for. And even at my young age of 6 mounts more then ½ the herd feared me, so they listened to me.” *snaps her strawberry tail thinking eyes distant as she stalls considering not going on* “so my mom ran me out I was around 1 then a little younger probably… I lived mostly as a loner, never being accepted anywhere always turned away or picked on for being a lone filly. I was ok with it no longer bothered me for I grew up with it, at the age of one and ½ I got captured by humans. They were abusive pretty much like my mom and step dad and would keep us all in small stalls with only enough to feed us for about a day two if you reserved, that all we had to eat for two weeks. Our stalls were never cleaned only when someone important came and could put them out of business. Are water was always filthy and they would often use stalls for storage preferably mine since I was the smallest and youngest. They would put the horse they were using in other horses stalls they clamed not to have enough room. I was always placed with the same stallion …” *sighs again looking away* “The stallion was the most feared horse in the barn me the 2ed they would place us together so we could “protect” our selves…… I was used to being abused and he was two years older so I fought but for some reason no matter what I did he would never hurt me and…” *trails off for a while making you think she stopped but she looks back gray eyes cold hiding all emotion* “I soon fell for him… it sort of made my stay there bearable…. Nothing could of prepared me for there training methods, they would put a saddle on a wild horse and just get on then beat the horse until the horse and rider was tired and the horse hurt and sore. They “trained” me when I was about 2” *shakes her head skipping the events that followed it was more privet and she had no idea who this horse was and she wasn’t ready to go into full detail.* “when I was 3 I escaped with the stallion we were constantly running from the barn that set people after us for I was supposed to be bought, after about a ½ year they gave up and we were actually not bothered for about 4 months then I ran into my mothers herd she was running it into the ground the weak were dying and the strong leaving for she refused to move it in the winter and the snow and started starving… I didn’t want to get evolved but I happen to show at impeccable timing and she was about to kill my youngest sister she had two new sons and turned on her. I fought to save her ended up almost getting my self killed but my mate saved me, I had a broken leg and the mussel was torn and a few gashes to the head one scared” *throws her head slightly the gash across her face from jawbone to windpipe was evidence of that fight that and her limp and the scar that ran down from hock to fetlock.* “after we my sister was well enough to live with out help we told her to get lost I didn’t want to deal with her, her being a light. About three months ago…” *Voice fails as one tear slipped passed her well developed walls* “my mate turned on me… I guess with my past and present apparently always having the knowledge my mom and her mate were after me was too much and he tried to kill me in my sleep. Almost got away with it too but a wolf with great timing attacked giving me time to run…” *she stops abruptly and looks away, her exmate was the only one she couldn’t fight even when it meant her life, she slowly looks away shaking her head softly before taking a anther bite of grass cold gray eyes now dull as the emotions once again hit the mental dam*

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Trempt, 00:41:55 03/10/02 Sun

I don't think so, I can look after myself, I would be hounered to be your mate, even if it put's me in danger. Anyweay. I usaully don't ask questions. for I almost died from asking questions, for the lights parent's didn't want me playing with her. I ask them the question, why are you lights? I almost got killed

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Temp, 08:45:17 03/10/02 Sun

*Sighs looking at him before looking away again her eyes still empty of emotion besides one more tear that slips past her walls* “I’m sorry” *she whispered silently before a sly ½ smile made it’s way across her face* “if you think you can deal I’ll be honored to be your mate, though you should know sometimes I get distant”

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Trempt, 13:54:54 03/10/02 Sun

Thank you Devil's Tempest. It doesn't bother me if you get distant.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Temp, 14:07:14 03/10/02 Sun

*Gives him a lazy ½ smile then looks down at the ground whispering her goodbye* “Adiós mi amor es tiempo que abro un nuevo capítulo en mi vida.” *before looking back up at him silently*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *turns leaving silently giving up* -- Temp, 18:12:54 03/12/02 Tue

*she sighs looking at him again eyes suddenly getting distant as memories flood her head* “I got to go” *she says in a rush turning quickly taking off in a smooth canter only a slightest hint of a limp*

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