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Subject: Fukushima nuclear power plant catastrophy evolving out of controle now by primo 2017

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 11:05:09 04/20/17 Thu

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, still developing and worsening.

By Knut Holt



On 11. of mars 2011 Japan was impacted by a strong earthquake that made damages at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. This led the ractors to be shut down. But the circulation of cooling water for the reactors and the tank storing used fuel rods under water were kept running by electric power from emergency power generators. This vooling is necessary to hinder overheating from the rods that still radiate so strongly that they are constantly warmed.

But soon after a tsunami hit Japan and overflowed much of the structures in the power plant. The combined effect of the earthquake and the tsunami had by now made cracks in the reactor structures themselves and destroyed virtually all infrastructure in the power plant, with the result that the power generators shut down and all connection to the grid was broken. This led to stop in all systems for circulation of cooling water.

After some hours this led to overheating in the reactors and the fuel core melted. The core also melted itself through the bottom of the reactor tank or flowed through cracks already being there after the previous impacts and fell down at the floor of the concrete housing around the reactor. It is not clear if this happened immediately or gradually over some time.

Also the water in the storage tanks for used rods began to evaporate and the situation threatened to cause overheating and melting of the rods also here.

The heat from the core made the water inside the reactor react chemically with metal in the structures leading to production of hydrogen. The atmosphere inside the housing was nitrogen, so this did not lead to any consequence immediately. But eventually air came in through cracks in the housing or tubings. That led to an explosion so that the roof of the concrete housing and the whole reactor building were blown open.

This also lead to a lot of radioactive material being let into the environment, that made it necessary to evacuate large areas around.

After several days of work one managed to provide water cooling of the broken reactors and the storage tanks by provisorial sprincling mechanisms.

Eventually one maneged to make the cooling system of the reactors work again by connecting the generators to new power sources.

But contaminated water is leaking from the cooling system and the ground water is also entering through defects in the system, causing an extra flow of water into the space around the reactors and even more overflow of radioactive water out of the system. The water escaping is stored in provisorial tanks, and these tanks are filling up the area.

But contaminated water also is constantly leaking into the ground without being catched, making the environment steadily more radioactive.

There has since then been a constant fear that the melted fuel could burn through the concrete housing too, or escape into the ground through cracks already in the concrete housing floor, and penetrate into the ground leading to a constant spread of great amounts of nuclear dirt into the environment.

By now it is clear that there has been a constant spread of nuclear vaste from the cracked structures into ground and the environment, and steadily more radioactive isotopes can be detected at the coast or America and elsewhere. This situation has not been reported by the mainstream media as if they had silently agreed to be totally tacid about it. But the truth about the situation has been steadily more reported at Youtube and other online media.

This means that material from the melted core really is escaping into the ground through defects.

Some time during 2016 the circulation system for the water in the tanks where used rodes are stored threatened to stop working. They seemed to have have managed to get the cooling system running again, but it threatens to brake down again at any moment, and the cooling system is only one of several factors which each one has the capacity to lead to a catastophy.

But by primo mars 2017, the situation at Fukushima seems to have got totally out of controle.

The leakage from the three broken reactors are much worse that originally thought. The fuel core has melted and flown through cracks in the reactor tanks in the reactors. It has burned holes through the concrete shield thereunder and it is eating itself down into the ground.

One has managed to unspect under the reactos by now, but not found the fuel just under the reators where it was espected to lie in any great amount, so it must have escaped further downwards and sidewards.

Thereby it has come in contact with ground water, is spreading enormous amount of nuclear dirt though the ground and into the sea, and produces a lot of radioactive steam.

It is possible that the fission process will accelerate, leading to high pressure and a new explosion with virtually everything spread out as pollusion in the environment.

In addition you have those used fuel rods stored in water tanks, which can happen to evaporate and empty, because the cirulation of the water brakes down, and due to the heat from the used rods, starting a fission process also there.

And you have enormous amount of nuclearly polluted water stored in cracky tanks that have begun to leak.

The radiation within the plant also has got to levels where it is nearly impossible to go in, repair and tidy. Even robots used to inspect the situation have broken down due to the radiation.

In reality the situation is out of control and worse that ever and keeps worsening.

by Knut Holt

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