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Date Posted: 15:53:21 05/18/03 Sun
Author: Maia
Subject: Re: research - can anyone help?
In reply to: Steph Lynch 's message, "research - can anyone help?" on 10:17:00 10/19/00 Thu

Hi Steph
Did you get yourself sorted out for your research? There has been quite a lot of activity in this area lately. I live in Devon, but have extensive family and friend links in Wales (Swansea and Gower) and maybe able to help through the network. That is (of course) that you are still on this trail. It is a fascinating one and has kept me on edge for many yeras now.

BB Maia

>I'm Steph and I'm a researcher for a tv company in
>Cardiff called Teliesyn. I am doing some reserach
>into Pagan groups for a proposed BBC Wales series.
>Before you all panic this is not one of those
>programmes where Pagan's are deemed to be baby eating
>monsters or any such nonesense. Probably in 2 parts
>the two programmes will be looking at the history of
>Pagan ritual and community in Wales and a second
>programme on how it survives today. The programme
>aims to dispell the myths and fears which surround
>Paganism/witchcraft etc and portray it as it really
>is. Iw ould be very interested to hear from anyone
>who might be willing to e-mail me about their beliefs
>- even if they may not wish to take part in a
>programme. I have worked with Lampeter uni in the
>past interviewing a number of tutors for an HTV series
>a couple of years ago called Stations of the Cross.
>If you would like to express any thoughts or to tell
>me a little about your personal beliefs then I would
>love to hear from you. All information will be
>confidential unless you wish otherwise. I have to
>submit the programme outline by the end of next week -
>i.e. 27th October.
>Looking forward to hearing from you.

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