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Date Posted: 20:41:50 03/26/02 Tue
Author: ßuttërfly Kïssës
Subject: The Butterfly Kisses yet so Softly
In reply to: Midnight Magic 's message, "Re: Sealed with a Kiss" on 19:42:32 03/26/02 Tue

The sun sparkled ever so beautifully of gold dipped hide of femmello. Pray her bod be star dust, placed into such thee heavens, mongst the wanders, all the mortals shall then fall in love with thee night, and forget thee sun.

Recieves carressment of masculine with upmost giddiness. Coqutte maiden b'came when confronted by he, desired to be his attention. Melodic tune hummed slightly through slender vocal chords, so golden femmira speaks, voice beautiful, of the new dawn and spring comenst once more.

If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully:
Or if thou think'st I am too quickly won,
I'll frown and be perverse an say thee nay,
So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world.
In truth, fair Brute, I am too fond.

Femmira grins at he through sparkling flairing orbs of her own. Rhthmatic poetic rhime once more explained in time.

ßuttërfly Kïssës
Thee Morning Sun kissed the Maiden with Wings of Gold

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