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Date Posted: 17:52:38 03/30/02 Sat
Author: Sterling
Subject: Ingression

Young Brute of Silver ingresses carlessly along the shore, with lenghtened strides leaving deep imprints from iron nails unto the soft moist sand, once more to be replenished flawless marks as tide becomes once more. Crashing waves, soft to thee auids creating comforting enclosure. Regal crania held aloft with dominance, questing for 'ther of equine specie. Emerald eies fall upon sunkissed Maiden, heavenly stance held further long beach. Powerful pistons carry eager masculine to femmira of exquist beauty. Her radiance alone giving color to thee greyish surroundings.
Love at first site. He desire to once behold Butterfly Maiden.

As approachal made, nie noticing 'ther brute, for soul was focused on lone enchantress holding he with single glance. Muscular alkili bod brought nearer to charmed femme fatale. Barotone nicker emitted to femmira, mearly to gain attention. Oh if she shall be 'is.

When you were here before
couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
in a beautiful world
I wish I was special
you're so very special

I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
You have the perfect body
You have the perfect soul
I want you to notice
when I'm not around
You're so flawlessly beautiful
So flawlessly beautiful


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