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Subject: Re: English lyrics for Anak by Freddie Aguilar

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Date Posted: 12/16/04 3:16pm PST
In reply to: Siraj 's message, "Re: English lyrics for Anak by Freddie Aguilar" on 12/16/03 2:08am PST

Anak / Child
When you were born into this world
How joyful your parents were

And their hands were your light

And your mother and father

didn´t know what to do

they watched you even in your sleep

and in the evening your mother stay up late

to prepare your milk

and in the morning your father places you in his lap

and he is so happy because of you

Now that you´ve grown up

you want to be free.

Even if they don´t agree with you they can´t stop you.

You have suddenly changed

You´ve become more stubborn

And you went against their advise

You didn´t enven Think that what they were doing

was only for you

because you wanted to follow your whims

So many days have passed

and you went astry

And you succumbed to bad vice

and the first person that you went back to

was your mother who was crying

And she asked you "My son, why have you become like this?"

and tears roll down your cheeks

without you noticing it.

Remorse on your mind when you found out

that you have been wrong.

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Re: English lyrics for Anak by Freddie Aguilarvanessa tojoy02/10/06 12:42am PST

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