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Date Posted: 08:08:45 03/06/00 Mon
Author: coacht
Subject: Re: Flowing Wells Jr. High Tournament
In reply to: Melvin 's message, "Flowing Wells Jr. High Tournament" on 16:57:14 03/05/00 Sun

> I would like to congratulate all the F.W. coaches on a
> job well done this week-end. This was one of the best
> run tournaments that I have been to in a long time.
> Eeverybody was on great behavior and there was hardly
> any trash being talked about anyone or anything. I
> cant wait for next year and I hope it will be just as
> good. Thanks again for a very memorable tournament....
> Great Job!!!!

This must have been your first F.W's tounry cause every year this is a good run meet.And as far as trash talking go's that's at every meet,so I don't know where you are from but trash talking is and alway's will be Happening. I have'nt seen anythink out of the ordanay.I hav'nt seen much of F.W's team cause the F.W's coach's say they don't come to this site because of something that I said about the F.W's team "them not freestyling" and I did'nt think that it was bad but the coach's did,so they don't send anything or talk to us "What I said was my opinion and only my opinion" and it dos'nt hurt me it hurt's wrestling and the kid's that miss out on info if they chose not to input info on there page.The cross coach act's the same way. He cut out the F.W's tounry cause He's mad at F.W's and boy let me tell'ya' it's really hurting the coach's at F.W's as you can see the meet when on and was great like alway's just like this page will.With or With out the coach's help from any school,Because of good parent's,Fan's and Kid's that contact us and let us know what's going on.I hope some one from F.W's see's your post and let's the coach's know you think they did a good job cause it was a great meet as alway's and I know it's nice to hear when you do a good job.
That's why I like running this site.

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