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Date Posted: 11:03:05 07/08/02 Mon
Author: fdjkla;dfs
Subject: dsfasdflj

>>Care to Dance?<<

>>apogee withers within’ serene eclipses o’ shades. ‘snarl’ wreathes outward poisoning placid atmos’ o’ lithosphere. Flints sear through wooded niche, charring sprouting tendrils o’ jad’d spears. Waxen chains cabaret manifestation and clack imperturbably. Ash lined collagen fixates within’ eldest residence. Slaves remain to pick ‘pon sun stripped crop o’ mats. Harsh deterring o’ space quivers precincts, producing waverin’ reverberation<<

>>dear dear, I see my assumptions have been proven to be correct. But I won’t take ya for no fool, you are right ‘bout something. You better keep your distance. Because this little cobra’s venom is churning. As for youth, I’ve bared you youth before and unless things don’t take an unexpected turn this little gal will stay concealed. Sorry there doll, but that’s the way it’s gonna be for now on hun.<<

>>bronchi’ clench frequency o’ notes that vibe ‘cross abode. Jib bah revoles ‘ward thee detestable infeminate. Waxen chains bare precaution and apogee coils within’ spring casing preparing strike. Zeniths fuse even further. ‘neth veiled visionaries mockery lurks ever more.<<

>>well, hey, ain’t this picturesque? Change your tune to a more of the harmony of warrior eh? And if you insist to know, why enemy has been entitled to you, well there doll, as of the hour of when I wished response ‘rom warrior you entitled me right there to be selfish and all I wished for recognition. I don’t prefer stereotypes. And NOW is where the real mockin’ invites it’s looming figure forth…without an alliance, without a friend…aw poor little baby. Well there shuga, if ya wanna know..I’ll hint ya. Hmm….now let moi comprehend this…and now your telling me what to do? Huh? Make allies? Well there dearie? Hm…it seems to me that you ain’t got none either? Well me…well I’m old allies with thee one moondance and perhaps insomnia. That shall be fine with me, I’m a loner. So now run along. Shoo fly, don’t bother me.<<

>>come hither ‘rom the shadows and reveal yourself<<

>>We started a devine white That signified our love, As it matured gradually It turned as beautiful as the dove. Darker and darker it turned Now it was the brightest of red But it was from here where it went bad, It is here I awfully dread. A single black rose It signifies my heart One single black rose Signifies all bitter and tart.<<

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