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As you pick your way down a rocky path, the earth tumbles away from your hooves. The inconceivably tall mountain that you continue to climb looms over you in dark shadow. Breathless, you reach the top. But what you see makes you gasp. You stand not atop a mountain, but a volcano, and ashes continue to slowly erupt into the war-torn, blood red sky. A feeling passes over you, that of some deep, saddening past that this place has. Although it does not come surely out, there is a grim happening to this gruesome landscape; something that has been unsuccessfully pushed away, as some hidden secret never to be told. The lands around you are desolate; nothing moves but clouds of ashes. It seems to be a desert, but the golden sand was not apparent. For a second, a thought of you being in Hell was a veritable possibility in your mind. The whole land dips into a basin, not far from the volcano. Once down at the bottom, you slowly trudge through the blank terrain. Before you, one small green sprout pierces the ashes and unfolds it delicate leaves. You stare at it, in amazement, for quite sometime. In the blink of an eye and a breath of wind, a majestic paint stallion swoops down, skidding with an abrupt halt, and smashes the tiny sprig. He twists it under his foot for a second before grinning evilly, conforming its death. ^Damn things.^ he smiles, the setting sun catching a glimpse of the diamond stud earring in his left ear, blinding you momentarily. ^They shoot up here every once and awhile. Fellow Dark, I welcome you to Black Sands Desert. This land used to be a happy, wonderful place, he spits the words, and cringes, as if they left a bad taste in his mouth. Grimacing, he continues in the middle of his sentence ^until a meteoroid crashed into it, reducing it all to rubble.^He chuckles uncontrollably, as a queer, evil smile crawls across his face, sending chills up your spine. ^To some, it was known as Armageddon.^ His small chuckle erupts into a loud, piercing laugh that slices through the air like a knife.^Survival here is tough, that I am not afraid to admit. But our harem is not to fail. There is no nourishment here; if that is what you seeth. The lands over the volcano, though,^he points with his black muzzle to an area left of the one where you just came from^I am sure will be to your liking.^Without one word, he stands, his red/brown glowing eyes engulfed in yours, as he seems to study you; inside and out. In a swift motion, as fluid as he had appeared, his agile body swivels, and with two beats of his tawny brown wings, has taken off into the dusk. Although the stallion is gone, you can still here his solemn, intimidating voice echoing in your ears:
Will you stay?


Lead Stallion: Armageddon
^Earth was fun....while it lasted...

Stand In Lead: Death's Passion

Back Up Stallion: TBC
Back Up Mare: TBC

Beta Stallion: TBC
Beta Mare: TBC

Gamma Stallion: TBC
Gamma Mare: TBC

Delta Stallion: TBC
Delta Mare: TBC

Epsilon Stallion: TBC
Epsilon Mare: TBC

Subordinate Stallions:

Subordinate Mares:


Powers / Breeds
Armageddon: Astrology Ruler and Hellraiser/ Pegasus

OK, we used to be the most active TT. NOw, were not. Yall better get to greetin. OK, if you have any questions about the RPG, please email me. GET ACTIVE!!!-Armageddon

^^Oh, hey.....Like My Clock????^^^

Subject Author Date
Hindi Smart Hd Video Song Downloadfratai23:43:41 01/24/14 Fri
Test:)17:23:49 05/04/02 Sat
hioohioohioohioo (NT)hannah19:04:59 03/23/02 Sat
The colt-going-on-stallion looks at the remaining heard. =Since this TT will be closed soon, I am here to inform you that you are more than welcome at Blizzard Peaks.= The unicorn snorts and trots out. (NT)HailFire13:24:05 03/10/02 Sun
^Okies, I am closing this TT down :( cause their isnt enough evils left to go around. However, if you wish to talk to Army's player about the RPG, please go to Juniper Breeze in Frozen Lake.^ (NT)Armageddon19:40:27 03/09/02 Sat
I nust sadly quit FSFF here, but I can play in the new RPG if you email me. (NT)Ari18:23:49 03/03/02 Sun
Fae trots about, totally bored...Fae13:15:52 03/06/02 Wed
*Lays down* (NT)Llamas21:32:09 03/02/02 Sat
The stallion, smacking the last drops of champagne off his lips, flops in the sand at the brinks of the TT. (NT)Armageddon20:32:20 03/01/02 Fri
Sorry for the inactivity*flops down*Shadowfax08:00:42 03/02/02 Sat
*perched on a stony ledge, scaled limbs rest themselves in the fading afternoon. She looks about, violet eyes piercing. The Libra upon her brow shines in a dampered gold.* (NT)Tragic Temptress16:38:51 03/02/02 Sat
~Sighs terribly bored and alone~ (NT)FSFF19:22:16 03/01/02 Fri
Sorry slow but computer!! (NT)bn17:38:41 03/01/02 Fri
I FEEL ALIENATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NIGHTMAREZ PLAYA22:31:01 02/27/02 Wed
ARMY>>>>Read this Armiy!!12:56:32 03/01/02 Fri
The stallion sighs. ^Inactifvity......^ (NT)Armageddon17:48:26 02/22/02 Fri
{ . shadow . }Morbid07:50:49 02/24/02 Sun
Fae's eyes glitter at the others in her herd.....Fae19:27:59 02/16/02 Sat
~*~Swoopz Down, Breathless~*~ Everyone >>>>>Nightmarez11:31:30 02/20/02 Wed
ImportantThriller's player15:16:40 02/17/02 Sun
A handsome black unipeg stallion swoops down and lands. He looks around for someone to talk to. (NT)Evil Omen12:19:29 02/16/02 Sat
ARMY OR HANNAH=)siany10:32:59 02/17/02 Sun
*sighs*Llamas del Infierno Interno12:16:48 02/06/02 Wed
‡Sadness‡‡Shadowfax‡05:47:13 02/17/02 Sun
OOC:Fae's player19:29:46 02/16/02 Sat
  • Nods. -- Armageddon, 20:34:42 02/16/02 Sat
The Royal Neutral TT is 71415 @ voy! (NT)Ari05:15:09 02/16/02 Sat
TO ALL WHOM EMAILED ME>>>>>>>>Hannah19:16:38 02/10/02 Sun
~winged filly cautiously canters in~Midnight Silence15:34:46 02/11/02 Mon
My tt for the light mythical queeny:)sian12:50:42 02/13/02 Wed
K then..stupid sian (slaps her slave) is ill with the flu in hosp *shes such a weakling* anyways...i'll try and make the board for her new character gwathren nal kalad, queen of the light mythicals:)but it may be a tad late..what else>>>Shadowfax06:08:04 02/13/02 Wed
To all whom have positions at new RPG>>>>>>Hannah07:27:29 02/11/02 Mon
"There's a... ~Griminces~ 'sweetheart' dance. Just thought I'd let you all know." (NT)FSFF18:38:21 02/12/02 Tue
If I seem a little inactive it due to the fact my computer has a virus (NT)Llamas19:21:51 02/11/02 Mon
FSFF and tragic temptress inside plzShadowfax (sian)09:55:07 02/11/02 Mon
Thriller, Passion, Llamas, Acacia, Morbid, READ THE NEWS!! (NT)Army14:08:51 02/09/02 Sat
OK, none of the links WORK yet, but how does the main page look? www.angelfire.com/grrl/hannahb23/MainPage.html (NT)Hannah18:03:15 02/09/02 Sat
Nightmarez new Playa haz sumthin 2 say>>>>Nightmarez Playa11:36:27 02/10/02 Sun
*Looks for Passion* (NT)Lily of the Valley12:34:06 02/03/02 Sun
Ueah your back,i'm back!MORBID!!!!Acacia09:34:04 02/03/02 Sun
~Sighs~ "Any ideas Thriller?" (NT)FSFF14:31:35 02/08/02 Fri
~Walks around listlessly, the fakeness of her smile visible only in her eyes~ (NT)FSFF14:08:31 02/07/02 Thu
Post your name, breed, gender, and Powers under this post. NOTHING ELSE. THank you. I will update on Saturday. (NT)Armageddon19:32:07 02/03/02 Sun
*calmly positioned under a shadowing tree, features lit with a violet glow, she looks for a few familiar faces* (NT)Tragic Temptress19:51:59 02/03/02 Sun
Fae holds her position outside the rest of the herd...Fae11:12:25 02/07/02 Thu
^First off, you greeters better get your butts to the joining board and greet^ he grins. ^Secondly, Passion or anyone, I need a little help>><<>>^Armageddon17:57:04 02/06/02 Wed
Testing>>>>>>Army18:06:12 02/06/02 Wed
PLEASE!! (NT)Army18:12:13 02/06/02 Wed
Testing>>Army18:10:36 02/06/02 Wed
~Lies down in the cool black sand~ (NT)FSFF16:47:52 02/06/02 Wed
*walks in angrely*Optical Illusion17:13:31 02/03/02 Sun
^Now we dont have to read Army time, hough we could all use a little Army time, cause I am Army, but you cant read the Army time but I am not easily legible...........wow I am over the edge hyper.^ (NT)Army22:06:39 02/02/02 Sat
~Utterly disgusted she walks around closing in on her target, the volcanoe~>FSFF18:29:43 02/03/02 Sun
I thought this went with the website!***12:46:21 02/05/02 Tue
Test>>> I thoutht this was cool!§ercet §in18:25:48 02/04/02 Mon
Fae trots up to Armageddon...Fae12:37:23 02/03/02 Sun
^Ill be gone Monday-Fri. Be good!^ (NT)Armageddon19:12:16 02/03/02 Sun
yyyyyaaaaaaaa ur back*hugs ya*:)sian02:20:21 02/03/02 Sun
+Heavenly looks at Army+ "So you can stay?" (NT)+Heavenly+12:34:45 02/03/02 Sun
Army, your back?§ecret §in10:50:36 02/03/02 Sun
Just fine *he winks at Army, knowing he would be back*D.R06:12:53 02/03/02 Sun
~Grins Uncontrollably~ "Yah!!!!!!!" ~Runs up to him and give him a "horsie hug"~FSFF04:56:59 02/03/02 Sun
He hee. Uh, whoops. Look on the bright side. Hayley quit! hee hee........how yall doin? (NT)Armageddon21:29:38 02/02/02 Sat

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