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Subject: K then..stupid sian (slaps her slave) is ill with the flu in hosp *shes such a weakling* anyways...i'll try and make the board for her new character gwathren nal kalad, queen of the light mythicals:)but it may be a tad late..what else>>>

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Date Posted: 06:08:04 02/13/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: host213-122-33-75.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

does she have to make?, her tt its called Crystal Platue(sp?) is that ok and then she makes the other good tts? how many and can we make the names up?...okay that should be it...oh and heres the descrip u wanted..its only short

Silver pegasi walks t'wards you, glas ocules singing lightly
° Welcome Traveller, I am Gwathren Nal Kalad Queen Of The Light Mythicals, If it is your wish then you may join me, If not I suggest you choose Neutral or Dark.° She smiles softly and turns back

Okies that sucked sian is bad but heres her descrip
Name: Gwathren Nal Kalad (Light Of The Shadows)
color: silver w/ purple violet wings
breed: pegasi
power: hmmmm well id like to control the skies like that includes the stars,weather,dark and lightness but if not...hmmm suggest something to me
markings: small gem on a silken rope(thin) on her forehead (like wrapped around..u'll see in her pic) its called the evenstar (btw shes shadowfax's sister:)hehe) um....well i'll add more l83=er...im making the pic now so i'll give it 2 you l8er:)

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okies heres her pic so u know wot she kinda looks likesian09:01:22 02/13/02 Wed

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