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Date Posted: 01/ 8/03 8:01am
Author: Stangman
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: Was it usc or ucla who.......
In reply to: Tenaya 's message, "Re: Who went to the UCR game Saturday?" on 01/ 7/03 6:20pm

>I had the opportunity to attend the game against UCR
>and saw the Mustang Militia. While I'm impressed by
>the group's enthusiam, I think the Militia can be much
>more effective and get the crowd behind them with a
>more innovative approach.
>Thus far, the Milita has opted to take a fairly low
>road when it comes to the art of heckling. The FUCR
>sign and some of the chants (while funny) are fairly
>off-color and for many fans (especially those with
>kids) it's offensive. Additionally, it degrades
>Poly's image as a first class university.
>If the Militia really wants to inspire the crowd and
>rattle opposing players, the approach to use should be
>a close variation of that employed by Duke's Cameron
>Crazies. My brother went to Duke following Poly and I
>had the chance to attend a game with him. Here are
>some of the things they do loudly and as a group:
>1. Yelling "Clang" in unison just as a player is
>2. Yelling "Boink, Boink, Boink..." in unison
>everytime an opposing player bounces the basketball
>prior to shooting a free throw
>3. Watching for an opposing player to shoot an
>air-ball, then chanting "Airrrrrr-Ball" everytime he
>touches the ball for the remainder of the game.
>4. Tracking a player who's having an off-night and
>yelling "Brick" everytime he goes to shoot
>5. Chanting "Deleted" following a shot that is blocked
>It's apparent Poly lacks fun and memorable traditions
>that engage the crowd, get inside player's head and
>earn Mott the reputation as an impossible place to
>play. Hopefully the Militia will create these and get
>the students and fans even more into the games.

on televised games, would have newspapers in front of their faces as though they were reading during the announcement of the opposing starting lineup. Then when their team was announced throw the newspapers and go crazy.

Go Mustangs.......

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