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Date Posted: 06/ 6/03 3:12pm
Author: BMF
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Subject: Her name is Deseree Kniper I believe
In reply to: Tenaya 's message, "Poly Athlete in Sports Illustrated" on 06/ 6/03 1:54pm

She also played professionally. I caught her on TV once.

>Received the new Sports Illustrated yesterday and was
>happy to see Poly Women's Lacrosse Player Bridget
>Mulhern pictured and listed as National Player of
>theYear in the section called Faces in theCrowd.
>Poly Women's Lacrosse is also recognized as having won
>its 3rd Consecutive National Title.
>I'm sure this recognition was submitted to SI by the
>Women's Lacrosse Team. Poly sports information
>department and director have never submitted anything
>to SI and have blown multiple opportunities to promote
>the school, its athletes and coaches. For example,
>several years back, Poly had a softball pitcher that
>led the nation in ERA and had a fantastic win/loss
>record. The SID and the lame-brains in the athletic
>department did nothing with this.
>Congratulations Bridget...keep it going!
>Go Stangs!

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