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Date Posted: 07/28/03 8:20pm
Author: Peter
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Subject: Re: What's the story on the team - as in condition
In reply to: BMF 's message, "What's the story on the team - as in condition" on 07/28/03 3:57pm

If you look at Poly's roster...they show 96 players, 63 of which are redshirts. Quite and interesting stat by itself. Cal Poly enters the season with 4 QB's, 5 if you include Paul Kirwan, freshman from Del Mar, CA. No one has said anything about Anthony Garnett from Monterey JC, the 6'-2" 205# junior. In the QB depth chart it's Peterson, Mende, Anderson and Garnett. Let's hope things change by game time, unless Peterson has vastly improved.

Go POLY!!!

>Anyone know how our team is doing in practice? Who
>the players are... or how many starters are returning
>and overall depth.
>What are our chances vs. UTEP... because we all know
>that bottom rung D-1A teams (like uTEP) are certainly
>no better than the better D-1AA's..... So I guess the
>question is... will Cal Poly be one of the better
>D-1AA's this year?
>>As you read between the lines of articles coming out
>>of the UTEP camp you get the impression that the
>>"miners" have little regard for the game against Cal
>>Poly!!!! Being sandwiched between their opener at U of
>>Arizona and SDSU at home.
>>The miners will have already played their first game
>>when Poly arrives at the Sun Bowl for their game
>>opener (away). Hopefully, some game film from Rich's
>>old school and some favorable nicks and scratches will
>>help our cause.
>>Go POLY!!!

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  • Re: What's the story on UTEP ranking -- Been there, 07/30/03 9:55pm

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