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Date Posted: 07/29/03 6:38pm
Author: BudMan
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Subject: Re: Doubtfull
In reply to: Tenaya 's message, "Re: Doubtfull" on 07/29/03 11:53am

What is the incentive for an Ivy League or Patriot League team to come to California to play in a small stadium? If we schedule a home and home, there'd be precious few Poly alums to buy tickets in the northeast for the return game. Ivy teams, Patriot teams, and even Army and Navy do not typically play in the West (save for Air Force and perhaps Hawaii). Let's not even talk about Army/Navy--the stadiums the others play in make Poly look like a sandbox. I don't think any of them play in a place that seats less than 25,000. I guess St Mary's is going back east this year to play one, but it really doesn't make financial sense, imo.

With that said, I like the idea of playing teams other than the usual suspects. But, I think we've done some of that since Coach E took over. I like the Division 1 games mixed in and it is nice to see a couple D-1AA powers on the schedule when we can get them.

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