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Date Posted: 05/15/03 2:35am
Author: zzzza
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Subject: Re: You act as though...
In reply to: BudManPoly 's message, "Re: You act as though..." on 05/14/03 6:16pm

That is, until I saw the punch that you landed squarely below the belt. . .You know darn well that the article you linked to is in no way representative of Cal Poly or her student body. Sure some of the "student's bodies" are on display every year during the Mardi Gras celebration. . .but 364 nights a year, SLO is pretty quiet for a college town.

I think that is wholly relevant and representative of some at Poly as much as an article in the SB News Press about Halloween is relevant to IV. Heck I knew people (in SLO) like that and others who lived (unfortunately) next door to people like that.

SLO is quiet if that's what you're looking for. I wasn't really a partier any more and so I chose to live somewhere quiet (out by Laurel Lane). It was great. But the element exists as demonstrated there and isn't hard to find on any given Th, Fr or Sat.

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