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Date Posted: 05/27/03 5:39pm
Author: Fresno Stang
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Subject: Behind the Stanford sweep of Poly baseball

Stanford's sweep of the Cal Poly basball team was disappointing for many reasons other than the final scores. Sure the Cardinal beat Poly 9-4, 12-0 and 8-4 but the real story behind the losses can be found in the dugout.

Following Sunday's game, I had the opportunity to listen-in while 2 alums spoke with the coaches and several players. Without naming names, one of the players said it was very difficult to play at Stanford due to the size of the crowds. 10,000 were in attendance during the 3 game series. This comment only serves to confirm that Cal Poly goes into big games intimidated and believes they can't win! With this approach, why even show-up!!

In terms of coaching comments, when asked how the team would look next year, the coaches said they are looking at a solid recruiting class. However, they said recruiting to Poly is difficult because the school is "ISOLATED" on the Central Coast and not many players are aware of the University. The coach that made this comment then proceeded to say it was very difficult to get people into Cal Poly due to its academic reputation and popularity and that 24,000 applications had been received for fall of 2003.

Coach, let me get this straight...the school is isolated and nobody's heard of it yet 24,000 applications are submitted? What am I missing in your logic?

In conclusion, one must ask if the athletic teams will ever achieve greatness. Especially when players and coaches are filled with excuses.

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