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Date Posted: 05/28/03 2:15pm
Author: Poly80
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Subject: Re: I guess I'll be the first.... Ozzie Smith
In reply to: Peter 's message, "Re: I guess I'll be the first.... Ozzie Smith" on 05/28/03 9:03am

I see the value in honoring Ozzie Smith in that any baseball recruit considering Cal Poly will be impressed that somebody with Ozzie's professional credentials attended Poly and played baseball.

However, I find it troubling that John Madden has not been similarly recognized by the University. John has been a Super Bowl winning coach, was the youngest coach in NFL History to earn 100 victories, led the Oakland Raiders to multiple AFC Championships, and to date won 13 Emmy awards for broadcasting. Further, he's endowed a scholarship positon on the football team (see the plaque in Mott Gym) and until the Cal Poly Athletic Department screwed things-up 15 years ago, sponsored a golf tournament in San Luis Obispo with all proceeds going to Mustang Football. His wife, also a Poly grad, sponsored a golf tournament in SLO with all proceeds going to women's athletics.

Madden has done significantly more for Poly Athletics than Ozzie. The only difference is he's not in the Hall of Fame...YET! With his 13 Emmys, however, he's a lock for the media portion of the Hall and should be there as a coach.

I think the athletic department is going above and beyond with Ozzie and forgetting those that have generously given back to the University and their respective athletic programs. Bobby Beathard and Mike Krukow also come to mind. Krukow for example, sponsors an annual golf tournament with proceeds going to baseball. Additionally, he provides sponsorship (if in name only) for Krukow's Club House which is part of evey Poly Baseball game.

Go ahead and place the statue of Ozzie at the stadium but drop the reference to Ozzie Smith Plaza. That is an insult to all of us who delivered on our financial commitments to build the sport's complex...something Ozzie did not do.

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