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Date Posted: 05:06:51 12/14/01 Fri
Author: Laura
Subject: Re: La Boheme
In reply to: Rita Carfano 's message, "La Boheme" on 19:43:13 12/13/01 Thu

At times the music may not seem that flowing because of the interwoven, sometimes, contrasting musical themes in "La Boheme." Puccini has several different musical themes that he uses to project certain aspects of the opera. For example, the music that is first heard at the beginning of the opera is the Bohemian theme. If you listen carefully throughout the opera, that theme repeats itself in Act II both when Marcello and Rudolfo, two of the bohemians, enters the scene. Another example would be the beginning of Mimi's first aria--the rose theme. This suffices to liken Mimi to a rose in that both come into full blooom but have short life spans. There are many other examples, but I have just named a couple. Anyway, the point I guess that I was trying to make is that all the themes are interwoven into the tapestry called the score of the opera. If you know aboout them, it really helps bring more emotion and understanding into the feelings of the characters of "La Boheme." If anyone is interested in reading more about this topic, I have some literature you are welcome to borrow.

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