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Date Posted: 12:25:11 03/20/02 Wed
Author: Eva
Subject: women aren't women anymore?

I admit, I completely underestimated Singin in the Rain. I remember when they used to give it on AMC and I would just role my eyes in boredom and change the channel to MTV. Needless to say it's alot better than any of those music videos I spend coutless amount of hours watching.While I was watching it I felt like I was generally being entertained and I felt no guilt what-so-ever. Now-a-days it's considered to be in bad taste to go to see movies for the sole sake of entertainment but now I realize that it's just because today's MAINSTREAM movies tend to underestimate their audience whereas before you got the sense that these people put actual effort and skill to make you smile.

Now here comes the bad part. I know that alot of people are going to be mad at me but I'm gonna say it anyway because it's just been bothering me. A couple days ago we were discussing Debbie Reynolds and how elegantly she went about playing her character. Characters like Leana are the reason why I have a hard time watching these types of movies. They say that they just don't make women like that anymore. Well, I'm glad that they don't. I felt trapped when I heard Debbie Reynolds' accent and the way she enunciated every single vowel. It's just not real. I need real when it comes to movies.Please don't think that I have a bias against the glamorous type of movie star actress that Hollywood is so desperate to preserve. I love Bettie Davis and Greta Garbo but come to think of it, they were even considered awkward and ungraceful when compared to their peers and i just don't think thats fair. There should be room for all different types of actresses because not all audiences like the same thing.

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