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Date Posted: 15:22:02 04/30/02 Tue
Author: Alicia Calisto
Subject: 20th century - Is it really art?

*please note I was not able to underline or italize names of paintings in this format
At first glance of 20th century art my face always cringes because usually I can not tell what it even is. But I would be close minded if I dismissed 20th century art as art. To exam if 20th century Art could be even considered art we must answer a very basic but grey question. What is art? In my own thought art is any expression of emotion or feeling using different mediums. My that is vague! But that after all is as close as I can get to a defention of art without infrining on the rights of a free mind. As in all things in society we must ask ourselves Where do we draw the line? Where does something go from being tactful to tasteless? What is the extreme that we can go to without breaking the invisible rules?
Take for example Edvard Munch's The Scream most would agree that this painting is art but this would be in contrast to Christos Surrounded Islands whose medium if your wondering entails 6 and 1/2 million square feet of fabric floating arround eleven islands. Is this art or is it just a ploy to get attention. Serialism also recieves some heat in the debates of what art really is such as the painting by Josef Albers Homage to the Square: Floating. Basically what the painting entails are four different color squares above one another.
I believe when it comes to art such as the 20th century art we must realize that artists are no longer thinking in the much deserved conscious but instead in the unconscious mind. We must also look at the history behind this era. During this time the world had seen the coming of World War I, also known as the Great War, and World War II (Not to mention the coming of the atomic era). In conclusion one of the many reasons for the exaggerated changes in art can be directly linked to the progressive movements in history when convention was throw out the window.

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