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Date Posted: 05:29:48 11/16/16 Wed
Author: lisa
Subject: Michael Dowd seven five movie documentary scumbag cop and sociopath!

Mike Dowd from the seven five movie is a douchbag scumbag crack head that should still b in jail. He gave me an STD! (PHOTO)Mike Dowd scumbag cop and sociopath!
Michael Dowd was a field associate for IAD read this NY Daily news story


It's even in the NY daily news. They printed the story back in November 1, 1995.

Mike Mcalary

"Some cops have used the field associate title as a shield from prosecution. Dowd was a field associate"


Dowd was allowed to commit crimes while ratting on his fellow officers to internal affairs.
He got out of control and the NYPD let his cancer spread to other cops while Dowd continued to rat them out and they let Dowd run wild.
Every cop that crossed paths with this sociopath should sue the NYPD. Dowd is a scumbag rat!
Michael Dowd ratted out about 10 NYPD cops during the Mollen Commission I know I caught him and was there!

read the Commission report.... Exhibit 8 page 5 -


"By Dowd's admissions to Commission investigators, by March 1986 Dowd and his "crew" including Officers Dubois, Henry "Chickie" Guevara, Jeffrey Guzzo, Brian Spenser, Walter Yurkiw, Henry Jackson, and others had for over a year already become routinely involved in drug corruption by stealing money and drugs from street dealers radio run locations, and by "scoring" (stealing) almost every opportunity that presented itself."

https://www.denvergov.org/content/dam/denvergov/Portals/374/documents/Mollen Commission.pdf

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