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Date Posted: 23:00:57 02/14/04 Sat
Author: Spartakeith
Subject: Experimental Pop/Rock Orchestra Forming in Chicago

Musicians Needed
to form an experimental pop/rock orchestra
for live shows, recording, general world domination

We are looking for people who play drums, bass, keys, flute, sax (tenor & alto), clarinet, trumpet, oboe, trombone, violin, cello, and more. If you play an instrument not named here, feel free to email anyways. Ideas are formed, but not set in stone.

Also, any vocal ability will be called upon, and will bring lead vocals at various points, although mostly for harmony and countermelodies. MIDI triggering will be needed, as well. Neither vocals nor MIDI triggering needs to be from any particular instrument.

Regardless of your instrument, a professional attitude is required, as is making music a first priority. Transportation would be nice, but not everyone needs it, if CTA or carpooling is logical.

As for the sound: Burt Bacharach, Curtis Mayfield, Aerosmith, Bjork, and Garbage will all have equal input into the sound, along with folks like Prince, the Beach Boys, the Beatles, U2, David Bowie, Portishead, Tricky, the entire Motown staff, both Elvises, Springsteen, and anything else that expands the definition of "pop" music (i.e. not formulaic pop singers like Spears, Lavigne, etc.).

Email spartakeith@rock.com for more info

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