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Subject: Maristgrad, I feel your pain...

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Date Posted: 10:24:13 01/16/09 Fri
In reply to: GGaff 's message, "Re: tonight's game" on 08:03:14 01/16/09 Fri

but this pales in comparison to the Monmouth debacle when Tomidy scored 6 points and the one kid killed them, the 2002 collapse in Albany as the 1 seed and 2007 in Bridgeport. They were the favs in all of those games, last night they were the upstart. They were incompetent in the last 3 minutes and paid for it. I point to Goodwin also, but while it might seem he's been around forever, he has only played since last year. The front court is a disaster, you can't expect to beat a team like Siena playing 3.5 against 5. The are not ready for prime time, but they better be ready for Loyola, because what happens next is far more important to them than what happened last night.

One last thing. In the last 3 minutes Siena gave them opportunities at the foul line to win the game, and they didn't take advantage, while Siena took advantage of all the opportunities presented by Marist's bricks. That in the end was the difference. Nobody is talking about the Downey kid being the next coming if Hall, Goodwin and JB make their free throws.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Maristgrad, I feel your pain...

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Date Posted: 10:36:03 01/16/09 Fri

OF, I completely agree. In the last two minutes they did everything right and we did everything wrong. We gift wrapped it for them. I am so hung over from that game and I didnt touch a drop. Has anyone heard anything substantial from Chuck. A game like that could mess a team up for a while. Feel extra bad for the seniors. Maybe one more shot at them in Albany.
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Post game press conference up on GoRedFoxes...

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Date Posted: 11:20:32 01/16/09 Fri

No matter the tone of some of the posts over ont the Siena Board they really don't want to see us.

The spin is "Marist played their A game, we played or C game, we still won." Well now this is the second time that they have brought their C game against Marist and gotten away with it. Jeesh, maybe Marist has something to do with that. Don't know if they really want to test that hypothesis out again, when they will be feeling the pressure of tournament expectations.

The other spin is "I don't want to hear anything from Marist fans about free throw shooting, Siena missed more." Why should I give a shit how many Siena missed, the more the merrier. The fact of the matter is, if Marist make it's free throws to sustain the lead down the stretch there is no opportunity for Siena run and score quickly off the misses. Which was the only way they could possibly get back into the game. Marist epic display of incompetence fueled the comeback, you can't possibly make a case for Siena winning any other way.
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Post game press conference up on GoRedFoxes...

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Date Posted: 13:19:06 01/16/09 Fri

That's what I was afraid of. I anticipated all the "What a great job by Siena" talk up here today because it seems every Siena supporter has been drinking that "We're going to the finbal four" koolaid since June. And just when I though my expectations would be met, a good friend of mine who played for Siena in the '50s and knows more about Siena basketball in the past 50 years than anyone I know said to me "I don't want to see Marist again." He was at the game and agreed that Siena got lucky in that last couple of minutes.
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Maristgrad, I feel your pain...

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Date Posted: 18:03:14 01/16/09 Fri

Marist made Siena play their C game. Siena isn't the dominant force they think they are. If you walked off of Mars and watched the first 38 minutes, you'd think Marist was the top dog. Keep in mind Marist led them with around 10 to go in Albany until they ran out of gas. Gregory now gives them minutes which he didn't then. I'm not scared one bit of them. Let's do round three. I'd love to beat them in Albany. They were so proud when they won in Bridgeport 2 yrs ago. It's time to rain on their parade with an upset. I honestly think it can be done.

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