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Subject: Why not us, WHY NOT US?

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Date Posted: 21:42:47 01/16/09 Fri

Last nights loss while momentarily EXTREMELY disheartening has shown me we have a good shot THIS YEAR. We had Siena dominated, but freshman mistakes abounded. Yes, Siena was clutch, but 2 more free throws, we win. Martin has this team believing. I am now on that train. WHY NOT MARIST? Siena has more talent, but some of that is on the bench. That will lead to discord. Most of MAAC has same issue. No or little frontcourt depth. If Marist can avoid Siena or Iona until the MAAC final, we have a shot, THIS YEAR. Martin is a GREAT coach. Murray is our MOST important component. He is UNPARRALLED as an athletic director. WHY NOT US?

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[> Subject: Re: Why not us, WHY NOT US?

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Date Posted: 22:07:16 01/16/09 Fri

I'm hearin ya Yankee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next year they're loaded. I actually love what I saw last night. Parris, Goodwin, Gregory, and Schneider made it very difficult for Siena's "stars" to shine. They aren't use to pressure like they saw last night. Whoever laughed about Gregory covering Ubiles better take a second look.
Ubiles is not quick. He's long but his quickness is sort of like Prosper Karanga's. If he can't get a first step, he can't really do anything. March will be very interesting. Marist plays well at the TUC... They can do some damage. By then, they'll be fully clicking..
[> [> Subject: GGaff, you are the one who have been right about this team

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Date Posted: 22:21:22 01/16/09 Fri

We can do it this year if the matchups are right. Next year, we are top 4 easy. Great job GGaff.
[> [> [> Subject: Re: GGaff, you are the one who have been right about this team

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Date Posted: 07:54:07 01/17/09 Sat

Thanks Yankee. I'll give the credit to Chuck.. :-)

One thing I really like about this team is that that they have three guys that can handle. Devezin, Hall, and Goodwin. They definitely own a quickness edge over Siena. Moore's quick but I don't think he's Devezin. You never see him get to the rim. Schneider's ability to guard the guys that usually own matchup advantages is huge. I'll tell you one thing right now. If Devezin could shoot as well as Goodwin, this team would win the league this year.
[> Subject: Re: Why not us, WHY NOT US?

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Date Posted: 08:02:39 01/17/09 Sat


I think Chuck has found the defensive scheme to control Siena. Not stop, but definitely control. Kaylen has been huge. He has been consistently hitting his threes. That's what he should stick to. That, and finishing on the break. His troubles begin when he forces in traffic. His defense is great. He rebounds like a 6'5 guy because of his hops. I don't think it is a total reach to say that they could steal the thing in March. The only thing I worry about is playing 3 in 3. Taylor would have to give some quality minutes. If they caught the right teams, they could advance. If they keep their shooting percentage up and limit turnovers, they can win. As I've said, Martin didn't take this job to finish 2nd. He saw the potential in Marist and by the time he leaves, they will be the top dog in the MAAC. Who knows... Pay him and keep him for a long time. Some guys aren't all about money. Marist can afford to outpay anybody in the MAAC by a margin.
[> Subject: How much has Siena....

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Date Posted: 08:45:03 01/17/09 Sat

stepped in poop these last two off seasons when bad recruiting mistakes (Braga and Carr) leave the program and it turns into Magee and Downey. Downey is already a legend after Thursday, you would have thought he played the full 45 minutes rather than coming off the bench super fresh and out of necessity in the waning moments of the game. Siena actually got a break when the POY fouled out. If Franklin isn't the Siena MVP I don't know who is. That kid represents everything that Marist needs up front. You hardly notice he is on the court, check the box score and he has 17 and 10.

I'm still waiting for Ubiles to play up to his potential. He must be there to pump us the crowd with "360" dunks at the end of home victories, because he is usually about the 3rd most effective player on Siena whenever I tune in.

Yankee, I don't know how you can say who Marist needs to avoid in the tournament when they haven't played Loyola, Fairfield, or Canisius. Frankly, the team that Marist looked the worse against was Rider. I don't get your great fear of Iona, they struggle to score and Marist has a win against them already. Rider, Fairfield, and Siena have dominated Marist since Jordan graduated.

I understand that Martin wants to get Alex V as much playing time as possible. IMO over the past couple of games Bauer is the guy that has helped the most. JB ads the toughness on the defensive end, but his hands make him nearly useless on offense. At least Bauer is an offensive threat and not totally inept on defense.

One small comment on Thursdays game. I was really surprise not to see Taylor at all. He has been the instant offense guy and could have afforded the lead guards a couple of more minutes of rest.

A win against Loyola would be huge. As a fan, finishing out of the PIG would be a validation of sorts for all Martin and the kids have overcome. It's gonna be tough because they are so young and inexperienced, but it would be a further sign that the group clearly has a bigger upside.
[> [> Subject: Re: How much has Siena....

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Date Posted: 18:33:56 01/17/09 Sat

When did Siena win at Trenton???? They have 3 titles as far as I know. Not that great considering they've been able to play the majority of the tournaments on their home floor. They don't beat Marist in 2002 (down 18 or 19) or last year (down 17) if the tournament wasn't on their home court. Hell, it's nice to have advantages..
[> Subject: Re: Why not us, WHY NOT US?

baby ruth
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Date Posted: 12:46:59 01/17/09 Sat

i'll give credit where credit is due. the last two games, marist has looked great. devezin is a star, almost impossible to stay in front of him. hall looks like an above average maac player. schneider is one of the best shooters in the league.

what everyone fails to remember is that marist almost always look great at mccann. that is the problem. until marist improves on the road or the maac tournament is moved to mccann in front of the 2300 people that were there the other night, they will continue to fizzle at every maac championship.

marist obviously is not the worst team in the league but i still don't see them beating anyone of significance away from home.
[> [> Subject: Actually you are wrong about Schneider...

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Date Posted: 13:31:58 01/17/09 Sat

he is one of the best players in the the league. Or to quote the Siena Coach, he is playing as well as anyone in the country.

From the MAAC site.

4th in scoring, 2nd in rebounding, 3rd in free throw %, 8th in steals, 5th in 3 point %, 2nd in 3 point field goals made, 10th in block shots, 1st in defensive rebounds and 1st in total minutes played.

Outside of blocked shots (1.0 to 1.1), he is ahead of UUUUUUUUbbbbbiles in every category. What's up with that?

Fair enough assessment of Marist's away performance this year. Don't know if that holds the rest of the year, we'll see. Long way to go.

Don't get the McCann Center thing since we know the Tournament is never gonna happen there. Siena fans ought to be thankful their team get to play it at home whether they stink or not. The more you guys take that for granted the more the Mohegan Sun sounds like a great idea to folks like me.
[> [> [> Subject: Re: Actually you are wrong about Schneider...

baby ruth
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Date Posted: 15:56:28 01/17/09 Sat

i thought it was pretty obvious that i was being sarcastic about the maac tournament coming to mccann. and as for the home court edge, in the past 15 years, siena has won 2 championships at the TUC and 2 at other arenas (buffalo and trenton). what is the excuse for those other two? "siena has too many fans, that is a huge disadvantage for the other schools?"

regarding schneider...i stand by my comment that he is one of the best shooters. i think you are taking it a bit too far by saying one of the best overall. ubiles is by far the superior player, if you dispute that, you are just being silly. schneider would get a lot of pt for siena but he would not come close to starting for them. if you pay attention to fran's pre or post game comments each game you would realize that every team has a player that is "as good as anyone in the country".

all in all, i give marist credit for having the saints beaten for 38 minutes. good teams win at home and on road. for marist to be considered one of those teams they need to prove they can do both. history proves otherwise, but a new coach could lead to a new future...good luck.
[> [> [> [> Subject: I don't make it a habit of listening to Fran's press conferences....

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Date Posted: 16:54:21 01/17/09 Sat

but he's been singing Schneider's praises since the pre-season. I'll take the guy at his word, he strikes me as a straight shooter.

Schneider... Ignore the numbers if you want, he is much more than a shooter.

When Kenny is right Ubiles is the 3rd best player on your team. Franklin is the other. People seem mesmerized by his athletic ability. To me, its the other guys that put Siena in a position to win.

No argument about where Marist is right now. They have to win on the road before people can claim they are any kind of contender.

[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I don't make it a habit of listening to Fran's press conferences....

baby ruth
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Date Posted: 21:17:53 01/17/09 Sat

its just not us who are mesmerized by his athletic ability...

[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Good for him, I hope he makes it.

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Date Posted: 21:24:15 01/17/09 Sat

[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I don't make it a habit of listening to Fran's press conferences....

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Date Posted: 10:59:54 01/18/09 Sun

His first step is way too slow. He couldn't do anything when played hard by Marist. He can't get by anyone. He'll shoot over people but that doesn't happen in the NBA. It's sort of like boxing. Get up close and a guy with reach is rendered useless. I don't think Ubiles has a quick first step. If you leave him room to move he's tough. Get right up on him and he can't really do much. If you could combine him and Hasbrouck you'd have something. Not saying that he isn't a great MAAC player. The NBA guys are so good it's scary. I watched a few unsung heroes on Wake Forest who are going to be NBA players. Teague has some real high flyers on that squad. They're the best team I've seen. That includes Carolina...

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