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Subject: Girlzaga down 2 at halftime, up 6 with 30 secs left

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Date Posted: 15:45:22 01/18/09 Sun

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[> Subject: 65-55 final

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Date Posted: 15:49:05 01/18/09 Sun

Siena put up a hell of a fight at the ARC, held Fitz to 15 and 9. Viani had 23; Yarde and Johnson combine for 12 and 14 off the bench. Allie Lindemann with 17 for Siena. The Saints seem to be coming around after a tough start.
[> [> Subject: Re: 65-55 final

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Date Posted: 16:04:03 01/18/09 Sun

Does it sound stupid to say they needed a game like that - where they had to work for the win, over come poor play?
[> Subject: Re: Girlzaga down 2 at halftime, up 6 with 30 secs left

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Date Posted: 17:14:12 01/18/09 Sun

Waiting for Oldfox's first hand report. I was going nuts just listening to the game. He had to be thinking he was at a horror show, at least until the last five minutes.
[> Subject: Girlzaga really struggled today....

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Date Posted: 17:24:54 01/18/09 Sun

credit Siena for pressuring the ball the whole game. Marist never looked comfortable in the offense and scrambled all game until crunch time. Lindermann and Fullmer hit shot after shot after shot. At one point Fullmer hit 5 straight jump shots including several 3's. The Siena defense collapsed effectively on Fitz and she struggled to get off shots. In the mean time Marist couldn't buy a mid to long range jumper, and that made the sagging defense all that more effective as the Saints cleaned the defensive boards. Siena played great.

As frustrating as the flow of the game was Siena was never able to get draw clear and Marist would chip their way back in. Much like the men's game on Thursday, once Marist (in this case) took the lead with around 5 minutes to go, they seemed to get a burst of energy on the defensive end and closed out the game at the foul line. Really uncanny.

I do think this is the wake up call, and I don't expect them to play into an opponents hands again any time soon.

I don't know who the player of the game was, but it should have been Corielle Yarde. The kid is special. She is easily Marist's best athlete and she rebounds like a 6+ footer. Just a burst of energy off the bench and she seems equally adept shooting the jumper as she is driving to the hoop. She was diving for the ball and got in at least on tie-up to get the ball back. Gang didn't do much after she got knocked to the floor early on.
[> [> Subject: How is that for being on cue!

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Date Posted: 17:25:44 01/18/09 Sun

[> Subject: Re: Girlzaga down 2 at halftime, up 6 with 30 secs left

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Date Posted: 07:10:02 01/19/09 Mon

Oldfox, I wish I knew you were at the game, I would have said hi! I sat on the side across from the Marist bench, a few rows in front of two very obnoxious Siena fans!I agree Siena played a great game. It was probably the first time in a couple of years that I was nervous when Marist was down in the second half. Usually I dismiss it due to the confidence that in the end they'll find a way to win, regardless of the opponent. Yesterday, I wasn't so sure. The one thing that jumped out at me is that a few times Siena was playing so well I didn't realize Marist was only down by one or two at the time. I thought Viani really stepped up at the end. I thought Siena shut down Fitz. She had a really quiet 12 and I know that at one point Giorgis was yelling at her to get her head in the game. Overall, though, when push came to shove Marist showed why they're nationally ranked.
[> [> Subject: Darn, would have liked that too....

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Date Posted: 09:22:00 01/19/09 Mon

The game....Let me use an analogy. Siena brought their "A" Game, Marist brought their "C-" Game and Marist still won. It is uncanny how Sunday was in many ways a mirror image of Thursday in Poughkeepsie.

As it turned out, I was sitting opposite you about 5 rows behind the Marist bench. If the negative flow of the game was getting to the players, you could never tell. The biggest reaction they had was after an unbelievable 3 pointer by Lindemann, a couple of the kids just looked at each other and shook their heads. They are supremely confident, and why shouldn't they be. That was, what, the 35 league victory in a row. These kids embrace pressure.

There was reason to be somewhat disappointed with Marist's execution, and a bit exasperated with the way Siena couldn't miss for 35 minutes, but when you realized that Marist was playing way below par, and the best the Saints could do was a 6 point lead, there was no reason to believe that Marist was out of the game. Remember Depaul, and Siena is no DePaul. Us fans just kept turning around to one another and asking, "How is Marist still in this game?".

Allenspach, Johnson and Yarde were yesterdays hero's. Yarde is going to be a great MAAC player. She plays with smarts and hustle and is not intimidated at all. She had that great block on the perimeter and can she ever rebound for a guard. I think she has seen enough of the league to realize her skills are as good as most already. I hope Gang is OK. She hit the floor hard and never returned.

Despite what Giorgis said in the TU this morning the team did deserve to win the game. They were magnificent in the last 5 minutes running their offensive sets, and utterly denying Siena's offense down the stretch. Another mirror image of Thursday.

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