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Subject: TMRs for Points

Talisung Swiftcurrent
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Date Posted: 16:41:33 09/01/03 Mon

Since I can't use your forms, here are some of my Too Much Redwalls.

~You call your mom "Abbess."
~You call your dad "Abbot."
~You ask for meadowcream and your mom instinctively passes you the Coolwhip.
~You refer to your little brother as a "dibbun."
~You have a perfect miniature model of Redwall in your backyard for the little critters.
~You have a perfect full-scale model of Redwall in your backyard for you and your friends.
~You can talk in perfect molespeech.
~You sometimes slip and find yourself talking like a hare.
~You run around dressed in a suit of armor screaming "Cluny! Cluny!"
~You dye yourself blue and walk around chanting "Ungatt! Ungatt! Trunn Trunn Trunn!"
~Upon discovering that only three Redwall books are on the required school reading list, you promptly throw a temper tantrum and file a petition to the school board demanding more Redwall.
~You make a perfect replica of the tapestry, complete with torn edges where Martin was ripped out, even though the tapestry is barely described in the book.
~You refuse to leave the house without Martin's sword, which hangs above the tapestry in you room.

And that's all for me right now. Woohoo!

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