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Date Posted: 15:15:19 04/15/07 Sun
Author: Jonathan
Subject: Re: Make 7000 Dollars In Two Weeks!!!!!
In reply to: jonathan 's message, "Re: Make 7000 Dollars In Two Weeks!!!!!" on 15:14:34 04/15/07 Sun

>>Date Posted: 15:12:47 04/15/07 Sun
>>Author: Jonathan
>>Subject: Re: Make 7000 Dollars In Two Weeks!!!!!
>>In reply to: McClain 's message, "Make 7000 Dollars In
>>Two Weeks!!!!!" on 17:32:54 05/15/04 Sat
>>Date Posted: 17:32:54 05/15/04 Sat
>>Author:j. Wagner
>>Subject: Make 7000 Dollars In Two Weeks!!!!!
>>(While You''re Waiting For The Others to Work
>>You will have $7,000 in two weeks.
>>Only $12.00 Total Cost. One hour of fun work,
>>(Please read on to find out how)
>>If you want to make several thousand dollars really
>>quick, then please take two minutes to read and
>>understand the program I am sharing with you. No, this
>>is NOT what you think. You do not have to send $5.00
>>to five people to buy a report, receipt, or get their
>>mailing list. Nor will you need to invest more money
>>later to get things going.
>>This is the fastest, Easiest Program You Will Ever Be
>>Able to Do!!!!
>>Complete this in less than an hour and you will never
>>forget the day you received it. If you are doing other
>>programs, by all means stay with them. The More the
>>Please read on����
>>First, there are only three levels, not four, five, or
>>even nine, like many other programs. This three level
>>program is more realistic and much, much faster
>>because it is so easy. The response to this program is
>>VERY HIGH and VERY FAST! You receive your money in
>>about two weeks--not three months! Just in time to pay
>>next month''s bills! Buy Christmas presents, etc.��!
>>TRUE STORY: Cindy Allen tells how she ran this
>>summation four times last year. The first time, she
>>received $3,000 in two weeks and then $7,000 the next
>>three weeks. When this program is continued, as it
>>should be, EVERYONE PROFITS! Don''t be afraid to make
>>gifts to strangers, they will come back ten fold! All
>>of us have uses for our hand-earned money, but most of
>>us have very little left over after we pay our bills.
>>You only need to mail out 20 copies, not 200 or more
>>like in other programs. You should send this to the
>>people who send you their programs or you know for
>>sure they want to make money fast, because they are
>>already believers and your program is BETTER and
>>FASTER! Even if you are already in a program, stay
>>with it by all means! But do yourself a HUGE FAVOR and
>>do this one as well.
>>It is very simple and takes a very small $12.00
>>investment not hundreds of dollars. This will be BIG
>>before the others even trickle in! Just give one
>>person $5.00. That''s all! Follow the simple
>>instructions and in two weeks you will have $7,000
>>because most people will respond to the LOW
>>investment, HIGH speed, and HUGE profit potential! So,
>>let''s all keep it going and help each other and
>>ourselves in these really tough times.
>>1. On a blank piece of paper, write down your name,
>>address, E - Mail address if you have one legibly and
>>wrap it around a $5.00 bill.
>>2. Send it to the first person on the list (#1). ONLY
>>3. Retype the list, REMOVE the FIRST NAME (#1) from
>>the list. Move the other two
>>names up and add your name in the (#3) position.
>>4. Paste your newly typed list over the old one (or
>>use a separate sheet) and make 20
>>copies of this letter. An excellent source of names is
>>the people who send you programs.
>>DO IT RIGHT AWAY! Don't mull it over. ONLY ONE
>>THERE IS NO MORE TO DO. When your name reaches the
>>first position, in a few days, it will be turn to
>>collect all tour gifts. The $5.00 gifts will be sent
>>by 1500 to 2000 gifters like you, who are willing to
>>invest $5.00 and an hour to receive $7,000 in cash!
>>Your entire investment will be a total of about
>>$12.00, including the $5.00 you send to name #1, the
>>20 copies, 20 envelopes, and 20 stamps. That''s all!!!
>>There will be a total of $7,000 in $5.00 bills in your
>>mailbox in two weeks or less.
>>Can I do it again? Of course�� there are no mailing
>>lists to buy and wait for. Each time you receive a
>>"Get Rich Quick" or "MLM" offer in the mail, respond
>>with THIS LETTER! Your name will climb to the #1
>>position at dizzying rates. Some people may wish to
>>purchase a mailing list of "Opportunity Seekers" and
>>send out 200 or more. Some may wish to reply to all
>>Internet offers via e-mail with this letter. That is
>>fine! THINK ABOUT THAT!! The sky really is the limit
>>with the unique "GIFTING CLUB". Not interested? Come
>>on! Isn''t the prospect of $7,000 in two weeks worth a
>>little experimentation? Of course it is! It only takes
>>one hour of your time and $12.00. Hmmmmmm����������..
>>ACT FAST AND GET PAID FAST! Honestly and integrity
>>make this plan work! Copy the names and addresses
>>EXACTLY and send $5.00 to the first (#1) name only.
>>1. A. Dunn 4219 Grove Av. #2 Cinti., OH. 45212
>>2. J. Manchester 16 Baker Rd. Greenville, SC 29605
>>3. J.Wagner Pobox 2149 Lusby, MD. 20657

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