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Date Posted: 10:03:47 05/08/06 Mon
Author: Skeeter
Subject: "Wait..." He murmured softly, his brow furrowed heavily as he looked down, shifting to reach down and tug off her shirt, tossing it aside before he gently undid her bra so that his hands could explore her chest as she went back to what she was previously doing. A low breath escaped his lips in a quiet hiss as his head tiped back again, one hand on her chest and the other hand resting on the top of her head, not pushing just encouraging. Soft words of praise escaped his lips, always calling her by her callname, never her real name. That just made it seem to personal and he wanted to keep this just...physical. That was all he wanted from this, he didn't need any more attachements.
In reply to: Justin 's message, "
Something's gotta give
on 06:41:15 05/08/06 Mon

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  • (She was more than willing to do whatever he asked of her, she could feel the need in him and it drove her to pleasure him as best she could. She raised her eyes to him as he hissed out his breath, enjoying the pleasure she saw in his eyes as she used her mouth on him, her hands roaming everywhere she could reach. She made little mewling sounds in her throat as she pleasured him, knowing how she affected him turned her on and had her slowly drawing her nails down his skin, teasing him with the soft pressure of them.) (NT) -- Courtney, 10:13:38 05/08/06 Mon

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