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Date Posted: 07:41:04 06/16/06 Fri
Author: Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden 's message, "inside" on 07:24:36 06/16/06 Fri

(She had the same quietly intelligent way of looking at him that her brother had, and she carried a lot of his mannerisms, having been raised by him most of her life. She was impulsive, headstrong and defensive.. and also loyal, generous and freespirited.. all traits she had learned from being around her brother. She had known that Braden was familiar to her, but just hadnt been able to recall from where, so when he filled in that blank for her, she smiled a little and looked down at her hands. She had been crying that day.. sitting on the front porch of their farmhouse with her long red hair in pigtails.. her brother had been leaving her and she was trying to be strong. Braden had shown up in his truck to pick Keegan up and the two boys had come over so that Keegan could say goodbye to her, and she had thrown herself into his arms.. clinging to him so that he wouldn't leave her. She still recalled Braden's confident and patient attitude and the way he had taken his hat off and called her 'pretty lady'.. in that cool southern drawl.... ) Yeah.. I remember.. (She murmured, coming back to reality and feeling the odd desire to reach out and run her finger over his lower lip so that he wouldn't chew on it so. With her brow furrowed in confusion, she lifted a hand to play with her hair, a nervous habit.) Anywhere is fine.. just not here. (She wanted to get out of the building, there was something about it that reminded her so much of Keegan and everything he had stood for.. it hurt.. really bad.)

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