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Date Posted: 08:58:37 07/25/06 Tue
Author: Gia
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter 's message, "inside" on 08:46:11 07/25/06 Tue

(The tears were slipping down her cheeks now that she had opened this can of worms, and his anger towards her only made it worse. She wanted comfort.. someone to understand her.. and all she had gotten after the assault was a boyfriend who didn't know how to handle her, the inability to cope with the horror she had faced and the very real fact that she hadn't been sure she'd wanted to come back from that mission alive. She had thought she was harboring the child of a rapist, she'd been addicted to heroine and pretty sure that Skeeter thought she was a few bulbs short of a marquee anyways.. the world held nothing for her then. If Skeeter had been wary around her after she had been too afraid to sleep with him.. then she couldn't imagine facing his reaction to the news that she was addicted to heroine and pregnant. The hurt shone in her eyes as she looked at him, appearing smaller than she was, completely deflated by his attack.) I couldn't bring the child of a rapist into the world, Skeeter.. (She wasn't sure if she was admitting that she had thought about ending it.. but it was apparent by her tone.) I thought you didn't love me.. I saw the hurt in your eyes every time you looked at me.

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