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Date Posted: 09:30:14 10/04/06 Wed
Author: Shay
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy/Kyrian 's message, "Inside" on 09:18:24 10/04/06 Wed

As soon as she saw him she dropped her phone, not bothering to say anything to her father. Her heart dropped when he fell down and she screamed out his name, scrambling to her feet and rushing to him, dropping back down to her knee’s as soon as she was next to him. “Oh god, Remy, baby...” Her tears were tracking down her cheek and landing on his, making clean spots in the dark smoke stained skin. Her hands ran over his face before she shifted to take his head in her lap, running her hands through his hair repeatedly as if to reassure herself that he was really there and in one piece...well mostly. She felt like she might be sick when she saw his leg and she swallowed heavily, crying out for someone, anyone to get help for him. There was no way in hell she was leaving his side, so someone else, one of his loyal agents that she had punched in the eye, ran to get a medic to bring to his commander. She smiled wanly at the young man, managing a ‘sorry’ before she turned her complete and total attention back to her husband. “Braden and Reese just came out, baby, I saw them, they are ok.” She knew he was stressing about his people and honestly, seeing the faces that she had seen every day when she came to see him - some of them so young - covered in burns and blood was breaking her heart, NOT seeing the faces she saw every day was killing her because the building was down, all the way down, and no one could have survived that, no one. “I love you..oh god I love you so much...” She murmured softly, her hand covering his forehead gently, watching as the medic came over and started checking him out. She quickly murmured his condition to the medic before she looked back down at Remy. “They are going to take care of you now, baby, you are ok...”

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