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Combat Arena 1
The dirt covers teh arena floor, there is enought room for two to comab in here. It is strongly advised that you have a teacher or trainer with you before you battle. Injury can be given in here. The trainer has say as to waether you would slip up or not, such as... If your opponant attacks you, with a good DESCRIPTIVE! attack and you say you counter effortlessly, the trainer may step in and say that you were nicked or you slipped, because you have to remember, you are not the best, neither are teh trainers, but they are the best here, Alanna and Drayen are the strongest with weapon fighting, so please be reasonable and dont think you can walk in and be perfect, oh and the trainers will grade you, based on how desriptive you are. *George moves at lacey and attacks her* Will not get you a good mark, the better marks or grades you get from the trainer means that they think you are good, or improving. ~Lacey brings her blade up to meet his, shoving the heavy metal upwards and spinning her body towards her opponant, casting his blade out of danger~ That is a good post! That is what we like to see. Keep in mind that you can be hit, please try not to powerplay but remember posts like †Jacen parry's his sword and his opponants pushed away from their bodies, he spins quickly away from his opponant, hoping the vulnerablility he showed would not be taken up on† is realistic, ok now that I have lectured, have fun. Oh and the dirt floor is not too soft, you can still bruise from it, but it is MUCH softer than stone or anything else.

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