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Subject: Tiny Troubles?

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Date Posted: 08:20:04 02/24/02 Sun

I've received a message from Gonfflet saying it was ok for me to run the site, but to change a few things, including getting rid of Woindstar caverns' link. She said that the leader of tiny troubles e-mailed her and was upset about it. I told Gonfflet to tell the leader of Tiny Troubles to mind her own business until she could give a valid reason. Scamps, do you know why the leader of Tiny Troubles would have anything against you?

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nope, i've never even been to Tiny Troubles, i don't really see why they'ed have a problem with a link to my site being at DAB, i think it might be Jelousy....cuz im a much prettier wolf then they are *grins and preens* nah, just kidding!!!..well, i might go over there today and post a message about it, just to see what the problem is, also...does dab have a banner that i can put up in the alliances page? would be a great help so i can put a link to it ^-^ *trots off to Tiny Troubles to give them a wolf shaped surprise....Scamps01:48:13 02/25/02 Mon
I think they may just be selfish and want to be DAB's only ally or something. Anyway, I haven't been there either but I think they are being ridiculous. (NT)Dusklight09:02:38 02/25/02 Mon
*nods* i agree with that, i don't think Tiny troubles is even active..scamps23:17:03 02/25/02 Mon
Yeah, I was trying to get on their site too (mostly out of curiosity) and it was not there. (NT)Dusklight11:52:18 02/26/02 Tue
I think the seers are making Dandin nervous... and possibly she didn't want that chance that they might get onto her site... just a thought...Dartpaw...08:37:40 03/04/02 Mon

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