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Subject: Oh for pete's sake Scamps......don't bail out on them! What I want you to do is go to the owners section of voy.com, access this board, and allow IPs and hostnames to be seen. Then copy and paste the seers' host and IPs onto the banning list. This will keep them off for good. It will also help you locate anonomous people making trouble.

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Date Posted: 20:29:36 03/10/02 Sun
In reply to: Stormywolf AKA Scamps 's message, "time for time..five by five" on 19:16:04 03/10/02 Sun

>why do they torment me, i try to be a good
>leader....now i think im giveing up...nobody cares
>what i think..and i can only go further down...
>*humms the tune to "my sacrifice"*
>so shall i kake a sacrifice?
>shall i l try no more?
>whats the use of keeping on when its only going to be
>destryed by puffed up ignorant....simply stupid people
>who think they can push me around whenever they please
>somthing that appys to how i feel right now..
>"i kept everything inside
>and though i tried, it all fell apart
>what it meant to me will eventually be a memory
>of a time
>i tried so hard...
>and got so far...
>but in the end it doesent even matter
>i had to fall to loose it all
>but in the end it doesent even matter"
>im so confused..
>"please come now...i think im falling holding onto
>what it hink is safe
>i thought i'd found the road to nowhere..
>and im trying to escape
>i yelled back when i heard thunder..
>now im down to one last breath..
>and with it let me say..let me a..
>hold me now...im six feet from the edge and im thinking
>maybye six feet
>aint so....far...down.."
>*the young she-wolf looks to the stars..*
>is there a darkness in me...?
>to my freinds:
>i may not be around for some time..
>please try to be happy..its the least you cand o for
>this might be the end of Scamps altogether..
>to kitsune: push me up...tear me down..you know i'll
>still love you, my mate
>to everybody else, and the seers..: im glad that you
>have no life, so you continue to torment mine...
>signing off for perhaps the last time
>Scamps angel (windstar) Uzuki

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Oh Scampywhoopypoo, don't leave, for I hath foundeth the cause to the seer issues. Who ever runs the site http://www.geocities.com/konulgirl will be in big t-r-o-u-b-l when you're through with them. Go there and then go to the "Board Cavern". You will find the answer my son- I mean daughter(even you're about 3 years older than me) Check it out. It will seem to be useful. http://www.geocities.com/konulgirl - go there Scamps.Dewrose14:56:40 03/11/02 Mon
    Ah. Ah-ha. (NT)Song07:38:57 03/12/02 Tue

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