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Subject: *scamps eyues burn * ahhh my eyes are on fire eeeekkkk noooo!!!!!!!! OKAY IM JOKEING heehe...sorry im in such a good mood, i meant no disrespect...this is'nt war, most of the other memebers inclueding me think its just a small problem...one of which i am going to fix up very soon...

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Date Posted: 02:47:51 03/28/02 Thu
In reply to: Zirenae Pheonixia Firesong 's message, "**a fox strides in, her majestic air commanding attention. She looks about at the room, eyes burning alight** Silence!" on 19:40:23 03/27/02 Wed

>**Her fur is red-gold, and there is a gold tip to her
>tail. Her eyes are amber flecked with gold normally,
>but now, the flash once more with a strange unearthly
>fire, then, the eyes calm down to their normal
>I am sorry, but I don't like to see beasts fighting.
>Seers, I have only one thing to say, and that is,
>respect others, then they'll respect you. I still
>retain a cetain degree of respect for you, and i don't
>want to lose it. Scamps, and the rest, your intentions
>are commendable, but really, being mean back won't do
>anything. Respect others, then they'll respect you.
>This place is turning into war, and I don't like it.
>That is all I have to say.

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