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Subject: Na, oh "Red-fur Codgerwalloper", if they're seeing things, they must be having Hallucinations!! They should first go to their optimologist, just to make sure, then see the major psychoanalyst or psychiatrist in their area. I perscribe Madam Skrii Willyshank as your helper(I'm not going to type those long words again!!)

The Black-furred Menace
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Date Posted: 15:04:57 04/09/02 Tue
In reply to: Red-Fur Codgerwalloper 's message, "Have I got news for you!" on 20:04:05 04/08/02 Mon

>Seer's huh? I used to have problems seeing things too!
>Apparantly, it took me a while to realize that what I
>saw was actually a ghost named VOING! I am not a
>madbeast, spite what anyone thinks, and I hope Scamps
>and a few others agree.
>I may ramble on and on about pointless things, but I
>am in no way sterile.
>...No, that's not the word. Camomille, perhaps? Ah
>forget it!
>...I can't remember what I was rambling about other
>than some kind of zesty smelling body wash made for
>Forget it! I'll just continue on with the seer's.
>Maybe all these seer's who're seeing things should get
>their eyes checked? I'm deeply concerned. I insist you
>go and see an optimologist!

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