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Subject: Good for you

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 08:27:39 02/28/14 Fri



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Tantric Sex - Learn How to Have Sex the Tantric Way

Tantric sex originated in India and was originally used as a means to achieve spiritual growth and to connect to the divine realms.

It is possible to use the same approaches to maximize the total sexual ecstasy, both the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the sexual ecstasy. The approach can also be used to make the sexual pleasure last a very long time before you plunges into a intense climax.

Here are some advices about practising tantric sex that can be uses both by a woman and a man and by two gay or lesbian lovers.

- Before you begin you can set yourself in a relaxed but still alert state by sitting some while calming down from the stress of the day, having a cosy chat with each other, listening to some sensual music and drinking a cup of strong coffee or tea. Eating some sensually spiced food can also help you approach the right state.

- Use a quiet room that is pleasantly warm and have a comfortable bed. Let it be some light in the room, so you can see each other, but not very bright. Then take off your clothes in a relaxed way and lie down totally naked at the top of the bed.

- Approach each other tightly, sling your arms and legs over or around each other and lie together and just relax. Lie some time tightly together and feel the presence of your lover. Begin caressing each other gently, but do not concentrate on any specific zone. Already now you will probably feel a strong arousal, and a lot off finely tuned feelings spreading as waves throughout your bodies and your mind.

- You will also feel a lot of exciting reactions in your intimate zones. Your genitals will begin to engorge. You will feel lubricating fluid coming out of your intimate holes. There will be gentle wave-like contractions beginning in your lower zones and spreading throughout your bodies that stimulate to even more feelings. You will sense a lot of exciting scents emanating from your partner and yourself.

- Now you gradually approach the more sensual points in the body of your lover, like the breast nipples, the navel, the vulva with the clitoris and vaginal opening, the scrotum and the penis, the natal clefts and rectal zone. Use your fingers to gently spread open the clandestine inner places of your partner, and separate your own legs to invite your lover inside to finger your own hideous areas. Caress with your fingers, first around the entrance and then deeper towards the bottom of the secret groves.

- All the time be sensual to whet your partner signals. Stay doing some time those things that you sense that your lover likes, but do not keep doing the same thing too long to avoid anything getting boring. Each time you caress some sensual place, do it first in a gentle relaxed manner, but gradually intensify your handling to increase the feelings of your partner towards a peek, but slip before your lover reach an orgasm.

- Now the time has come for one of you to mount upon the other and one of you to open up your intimate zones to offer your openings for full penetration. Then slowly and gently you penetrate your partner and you begin your undulating movements. Make it slowly and gently at the beginning, but gradually intensify so that the feelings of both of you reach the peak. Then relax to take your reactions somewhat down again. Repeat this many times and you get a steadily growing general excitement physically, mentally and spiritually.

- You can then choose to go out again of the intimate cave of your partner to let the feelings settle somewhat and again laying relaxed caressing and fingering each other. And then one of you can enter the other once again. You can do many such cycles of caressing, fingering and penetrating. All the time you will feel a constant mental ecstasy and a general physical arousal that steadily grow. Each time you intensify your actions you will feel a more specific physical pleasure that intensify to a near infinite state.

- Eventually the time has come to conclude with the final climax. You can do so by stimulating each other with the fingers or by one of you entering your lover by his penis or also some sort of sexual toy. You stimulate steadily more intensely until you plunge into the orgasm.

- However, by tantric sex orgasm is not always the goal, and the intense ecstasy you feel before you decide to conclude with the climax is considered more important that the climax itself. Sometimes you will therefore choose not to have an orgasm. Then a great part of your arousal will remain during the day or night and give you a constant pleasure, and allow you to have a new session fairly soon with the same intensity of physical and mental feelings, and the same tight nearness to each other physically and spiritually.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, please see his web-site:---


--- Products against: Sexual problems, UTI, yeast infection, over-weight, cold, flu, allergies, acne, edema, hypothyroidism, depression, hemorrhoids, heart and circulatory problems, digestive ailments, rheumatism and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt


Flying Rod or Skyfish - Still Another UFO Phenomenon

In the recent decennium there have been steadily more frequent observations of rod-like flying objects with several pairs of fins along the rod. They can be small or great and can be observed at any place outdoor and indoor. Because of a high velocity, they are most often discovered unexpectedly on footage images after the filming.


A skyfish is an alleged rod-like flying object which can fly by moving fins or wings attached to the sides in the same way that a fish swims in the water. There can be 3 or more fins along each side of the rod, or the fins can be continuous like the fins of a manta.

The movement of the fins is synchronized in such a way that there appears to be waves moving along each side from the front to the end. They can be variously sized from a couple of inches to 30 feet of length.

One has detected these objects flying high and low, outdoor and indoor and even swimming submerged in water by means of the fins. They are usually white or of light color and seem to reflect light very well or even radiate a white light.

They fly so fast, 150 to 1000 MPH, that it is nearly impossible to get a good view of them without filming them with a camera and then scan the footage frame by frame.

Photographers that were filming other activities were the first persons being aware of the existence of flying rods when they were looking at the footages in slow motion.

The objects are capable of maneuvering between other objects or human beings in this fast speed without colliding. They seem to be attracted by unusual human activities taking place, such as parachute jumping, warfare activities or unusual gatherings of people.

Nobody has been able to catch any of these objects and preserve them as such. There are anecdotes that such objects have been caught and then have dissolved, and in some cases objects believed to be skyfishes have been caught and proven to be fast flying insects that appear to be multi-winged rods when observed flying.

By now there exists a heavy corpus of photographic documentation about this phenomenon and one can easily find pictures of the phenomenon by searching on Internet with the key-words "flying rod" or "skyfish".


This phenomenon has probably different explanations in different cases.

Many of the observations are probably insects or birds flying in a very high velocity and appear to be multi-winged rods when caught on film due to a specific technical mechanism: When a digital camera takes a picture, the photographic plate of the camera is scanned electronically line by line. If the animal fly fast enough fairly near the camera, it will appear at several successive points on the plate before one scanning cycle is done, and therefore be registered several times, which will produce a rod-like appearance furnished with a multiple of wing pairs.

Some may be a kind of living organisms not known before recently or even a newly developed species. If so, they can be a kind of arthropods with wings on several of the segments.

Others may be groups of insects, birds or bats flying in succession and in a synchronic way that make them able to reach abnormal speeds without much resistance.

Some may be individuals originating from a known insect species with mutations giving them an increased number of wings, and some can be siamese insect twins grown together like a rod. Perhaps such kind of mutations or development anomalies are rather common.

Still others can be secret surveillance drones, especially those that are too big to be insects or birds. The drones may have highly effective batteries as the energy source, or perhaps use some small nuclear device that makes electric power directly from energy released by nuclear processes, for example from alfa-decay within a nuclear fuel core. The drones are made to fly very fast to cover a great area and to avoid detection. Such a drone may be constructed as a rod with several appendages for propulsion and steering, or they may appear as multi-winged constructions on a footage just like a fast-flying insect or bird.

A more exotic explanation is that they are drones made by alien beings and sent out on mission from UFOs of extraterrestrial origin. One shall not dismiss such an explanation at hand, but this explanation must be regarded as improbable before the more earthly explanations are disproved.

Another exotic explanation might be that they are coming from a parallel level in another

physical dimension than the three dimensions we usually recognize and perhaps are able to jump between such levels. Entities coming from another dimensional level might be living organisms or drones operated by some technically advanced beings.

If the other-dimensional explanation is correct their physics and chemistry can then be very alien, or at least differ somewhat from the normal stuff we can see around us. A capability of jumping between dimensional levels and a foreign physics can explain their ghost-like behavior.


Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on technical and scientific items. He is also interested in health and fitness and in the investigation of strange phenomena.

Please go to this web-site to read more about several scientific subjects, and to find smart products in the categories RC models and hobby, electronics, car equipment, health, fitness and jewelry.


About Psoriasis, its Causes and Possible Treatment Methods
Bt Knut Holt

By psoriasis the outer skin layer grows too fast on greater or smaller areas. This causes thickened skin, horny flakes that tend to fall off, sores, discomfort, iching and pain. The basic cause is an attack of the immune system on the skin structures.

By psoriasis the outer layer of the skin grows too fast. This causes red thickened spots of different shapes. On the top of these spots there will develop white scales that eventually fall off and leave sores. The condition tends to be chronic. When one area is healed, another areas typically will be attecked. The disease is usually chronic. Either sex and age can be affected, but is most prominent between the age of 20 and 50.


By psoriasis there are discrete thickened areas of the skin. They are bright red and can be shaped as macules, papules or patches. They are often cowered with lamellated silvery scales. The lesions can vary in size, be round or more irregular. They can grow and float together to form greater areas. The scales or underleying skin leyers can fall off and leave sores.

Psoriasis has two main variants. By non-pustular psoriasis, the patches do not contain any fluid or semi-fuid purulent material. By pustular psoriasis the patchnes are hollow and contain purulent floating material.

The lesions or the fluid in the pustular variants are not infected with bacteria or other microorganisms at the onset, but can be infected when scaling of patches or bursting of papules leave sores.

The symptoms most often appear on the scalp, knees and elbows, but often also on the buttocks, chest and back. The condition is chronic, or recurrent.

Psoriasis also often give inflammatory reactions in the joints.

Somtimes even rheumatoid arthritis occur together with psoriasis.


The cause of psoriasis are not fully understood. There is an inheritary causal component. The core process in the disease is an increased proliferation of epidermal cells. there are two theories about this excessive cell proliferation. One theory is that it is caused by a genetic fault.

Another theory is that it is a secondary consequence of an autoimmune attack at the epidermial cells. It is thought that T cells (which normally help protect the body against infection) migrate to the dermis and trigger the release of cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-alpha TNFa, in particular) which cause inflammation and the rapid production of skin cells, especially keratinocytes, the cells that make the horny substance covering the skin. It is not known what initiates the activation of the T cells, but this can also be a genetic factor.

An inflammation will in the first place kill skin cells or damage structures around the cells. But killing of cells or damaging structures will relieve substances from the cells that stimulate other cells to divide, and the rate of the stimulated division can be greater than the rate of cell destruction so that the epidermis thickens and makes plaques. Some signal substances used by the immune system that make immune cells to proliferate also seem to give the same effect on skin cells.

The inflammation theory also explains the fact that the skin areas affected by psoriasis also can get sores where the epidermis has fallen off blended between the plaques. Those sores will then be the areas where cells are destructed but where the reactive proliferation has not yet recovered the damaged area and produced a plack formation.

The first outburst of psoriasis sometimes occur after physical or mental stress, skin injury, or streptococcal infection. Conditions that have been reported as accompanying or worsening the disease include infections, stress, and changes in season and climate. Treatment of diseases with Certain medicines, including lithium salt and beta blockers, have been reported to trigger or worsen the disease. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and obesity may aggarvate psoriasis or make psoriasis difficult to treat.

By bacterial infections the microbes can make substances that spread in the body, for example to the skin. These substances can the fasten at cell structures or structures between the cells. The immune system can then react against the sites that have been changed by bacterial substances stuck to them and exert destruction that in the next place can induce excessive reactive dividing of cells. In tis way infections might start a psoriatic process.

Some drugs can cause psoriasis or trigger the onset of sporiasis that also have other causal components. Such drugs are beta-blockers, lithium, antimalarials, terbinafine, calcium channel blockers, captopril, glyburide, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, interleukins, interferons and and lipid-lowering drugs.


There are many variants of both non-pustular and pustular psoriasis, according to the exact symptoms and possibly also to the exact causes.

PSORIASIS VULGARIS - Common psoriasis. This is the most frequent variant. It gives dry, red scaling patches of various sizes.

PSORIATIC ERYTHRODERMA - By this variant great body areas are thickened, dry, red and scaly, also the face,arms, feet and nails.

GENERALIZED PUSTULAR PSORIASIS - This variant occurs accutely. It gives fever and widespread paupules containing pus that however is not infected with microorganisms.

PUSTULOSIS PALMARIS ET PLANTARIS (Palmoplantar pustulosis) - By this variant there are chronic or recurrent pustules on the palms and soles. The pustules occur in the epidrmis, teh outer layer of the skin, and the liquid content is filled with neutrophil white blood cells.

ANULAR PUSTULAR PSORIASIS - By this variant the lesions are formed as rings filled with fluid. The rings tend to spread and enlarge.

ACRODERMATITIS CONTINUA (Dermatitis repens) - This variant gives fluid-filled plaques at the fingers and toes that later spread upwards .

IMPETIGO HERPETIIFORMIS - This is a rare variant of psoriasis occuring in the last part of pregancy. It gives red areas with pus-filled pustules at the peripheries. The lesions begin at the innet thighs or groin. Then the pustules enlarge and join to give great sores. Then the lesions spread to the trunk and extremities, and can also spread into the mouth. Usually the lesions heal after pregnancy.

INVERSE PSORIASIS - This is a kind of psoriasis that only attacks folds or semiclosed areas on the body, like the inner-side of the shoulders, the innerside of the elbows, the folds or inside of the ear, the lips, the groin, the penis, the vulva or the natal cleft.

NAPKIN PSORIASIS - This is psoriasis attacking the diapered area of infants.

SEBORRHEIC-LIKE PSORIASIS - In thsi variant of psoriasis, the plackes are overlapped or blended with an inflammation that causes excessive secretion of vaxy substances (sebhorrhea).


There is no definite cure for psoriasis, but a clever combination of treatments can often take away most symptoms. Psoriasis has periods where the disease fleares up and periods where it retreats again. It the periods of worsening intensive treatment can drive back symptoms. In the stiller periods, more gentle treatment can be used to hinder the disease to flare up again and to lessen the symptoms when this still occur.

There are many kinds of treatment against psoriasis, and the treatment plan for psoriasis must be indiviualized.

Obsolete treatments

Many treatment methods for psoriasis are effective, but also hurt the skin so much that they by now have gone out of use. Also many treatments for psoriasis of contemporary use give dangerous side effects and must be used with caution.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Fowlers solution, a blending containing arsenic compounds was used by dermatologists as a cure for psoriasis. It went out of use because of the toxic and cancerogenic effects.

In the middle of the 19th century ultra-soft x-rays were popular as a psoriasis treatment. Such rays kill cells, and thereby slow down the growth of plaques. However, they also cause cancer, damage the skin and accelerate the aging process of the skin. This treatment has therefore been dropped and replaced by ultraviolet rays.

Topical treatments for psoriasis

Coal or wood tar is a traditional treatment for psoriasis still in use. Tar is a product made by heating coal or wood. Tar slows the rapid proliferation of skin cells. when the plaques are worn away, the normal appearance of the skin will therefore be restored. Tar can also help reduce the inflammation, itching and scaling of psoriasis. Tar can be applied through creams, through shampoos, through soap or added to bath water. Tar can however irritate and redden the skin and it is to some extend cancerogenic.

Anthraline or steroid creams are used. Steroid cream can however make the skin thin and damaged in the long run.

Crams containing vitamin D3 or A-vitamin-variants called retinoids can help for psoriasis by reducing cell proliferation and inflammation.

Sulphur was a common treatment for psoriasis in the victorian age, but was dropped because more effective treatments emerged. However, these more effective treatments have shown to carry great risks for development of cancer. Sulphur treatment has therefore got modern again, and has shown to be useful without great risk of side effects.

Natural topical creams against psoriasis contain ingredients working from several angles: They contain ingredients that soften the plaques so that they more easily can be removed. Ingredients like squalane and glycerine diffuse into the plaques and make them soft so that they more easily can be scrubbed or teared away. They have ingredients that reduce cell proliferation and inflmmation. They typically contain vitamin D3 and A-vitamin variants to reduce cell proliferation and inflammation. They typically also contain herbs that stimulate the skin to repair damage, but yet do not trigger the abnormal cell proliferation, like for example Aloe vera. They furter contain herbs or oils that soothe and reduce itching.

Pharmacological treatments of psoriasis

Several types of pharmacological treatment for psoriasis are in use which are administered either orally or as shots. Cytostatica, for example methothrexate, is used in severe cases as a cure for psoriasis. Cystostatica slow the cell divisions or kill cells that are dividing and thus inhibit the growth of plaques. Cytostatica can damage structures in the body and increase the chance of getting cancer.

A new type of pharmacological treatments steadily more used, but still most in severe cases, is so called biological therapy. By this kind of tretment, one uses drugs that alter the function of specific chemical pathways in the immune system, most often blocking the function of signal substances, antibodies or cells in the immune system. Many of these drugs are themselves antibodies that block specific functional components. The number of these drugs in use or development is already great, but one still does not know which will be the best. These drugs are expensive, but seem to be very effective. Still they do not cure the disease, only help to controle it, and also these drugs can give serious side effects.

Physical treatments against psoriasis

Ultraviolet light or sun-baths are also effective treatments. Ultraviolet wavelengths are subdivided into UVA (380–315 nm), UVB (315–280 nm), and UVC (< 280 nm). The epidermis absorbes ultraviolet B (UVB) (315–280 nm) and this band works beneficial against psoriasis.

Narrowband UVB (311 to 312 nm), is that part of the UVB spectrum that is most helpful for psoriasis. Exposure to UVB several times per week, over several weeks can effect a remission from psoriasis. However this treatment can in the long run damage the skin and give cancer.

Treatment of psoriasis by surgery

Individual loclized plaques can simply be planed away surgically, and the plaque seldome come back at the same spot. Such localized surgery is a very effective treatment for strictly localized psoriasis. Localized individual spots can nearly be cured this way.


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find information about fitness, health and sex, including more information about urinary and genital issues, and products to improve fitness, health and sexual life, please visit his web-site.


----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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