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Date Posted: 13:11 22/12/24 Sun
Author: Porter
Author Host/IP: cpe-101-182-67-81.vb13.vic.asp.telstra.net /
Subject: The team moving forward.

If you use the premiership team as a template, and replace the outs, you'd have:

B: Perryman ... Moore ... Howe
HB: Maynard ... Frampton ... Quaynor
C: Sidebottom ... Pendlebury ... J.Daicos
HF: Hill ... Mihocek ... Elliott
F: McCreery ... McStay ... De Goey

R: Cameron ... N.Daicos ... Crisp
I: Mitchell ... Cox ... Hoskin-Elliott ... Schultz
Sub: Lipinski

Ginnivan's gone, and has already been replaced by Schultz.

Murphy's retired, so I've thrown Perryman in there just to fill the slot. I'm not suggesting he's a Murphy replacement. It's just to get Perryman's name on the page.

We'll exclude Houston from this side for now due to his suspension.

The questions:

-- Who would take Frampton's spot at CHB? Is it McInnes? I still like Frampton if they can turn him into the stay-at-home gorilla, and let Moore play the interceptor. I think using Moore as the stay-at-home fullback is just a waste, and negates the intercepting and counterattacking he does well.

Frampton's had his moments and good games, and experience-wise he's still inexperienced (for a key positioner). This year, I thought he was playing well when he came in, but when Cox went down, and they threw him up forward it really disrupted his momentum. Frampton did claim some big scalps some games, and then looked entirely lost in others. However, he's not alone.

I'd argue Moore looked worse for much of the year, and it wasn't because of Murphy's absence. Too often, Moore just looked unfocused. How was the game against Essendon when his opponent marked between the behind and goal post, Moore turned to direct traffic, and his opponent just idly walked past him into an open goal.

Quaynor also looked lost.

This isn't to attack those players, but I think sometimes we single out certain guys, as if they're responsible for the malaise, when it's obvious others aren't performing -- whether it's form, injury, struggling off the short turnaround, or whatever.

I'd argue the system broke down more than anything, and exploited players' weaknesses and/or lack of form, or role players who struggled one-on-one in games our pressure was lacking and opposition were dominating.

Other questions:

-- When Houston comes in, at whose expense?

-- Where's Tim Membrey fit? Again, at whose expense?

-- Do Ed Allan or Finlay Macrae force their way in? I'm agnostic about Macrae, but I hope if they play him they give him four weeks in the middle without fear of being the first subbed or first dropped.

-- Is Ned Long part of the future or just a break-glass-in-case-of-emergency mid? I like Long. Big. Stands up in tackles. Thinks his way through things. Doesn't get enough of the ball, but shows good defensive pressure.

-- Is Mason Cox still the relief ruck? Or do they do something like play Iliro Smit, or drop Cox, play Membrey, and use McStay as the relief ruck?

-- Where are Tew Jiath and Harry Demattia in calculations?

-- Typically, there'll be a couple of players who drop off. With such an aging list, who will that be? Would it be a surprise to see Howe, Sidebottom, or Hoskin-Elliott fall out of the side?

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