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Date Posted: 13:50 10/01/25 Fri
Author: Annabelle
Author Host/IP: 139-216-204-154.sta.dodo.net.au /
Subject: A snapshot of the first main training session of 2025

Prior to training greyish sky was peppered with non-threatening clouds, while the weak sun was a shaft of light peeping through. It remained like this through training with warm conditions a touch on the humid side.

Wade emerged with his underlings before the session instructing them regarding the parameters for the beep/yo yo test and quite a bit of testing occurred in relation to the acoustics which accompany the aforementioned test. All apparatus was set-up in anticipation of a packed session.

Howe was the first on the arena just prior to half nine and he was undertaking his own preparation five minutes before being joined by end of his teammates and the colleagues who commenced their warm-up shortly thereafter were Houston and Tew who sported a tight band around his right knee.

In terms of the roll call there were some notable absentees and quite a few in the infirmary clearly in different stages of recovery or rehabilitation.

Pendles and Sidey were unsighted (presumably management protocols), while Hill and Moore worked together for the duration of training undertaking a combination of running and agility work on the outer side of the ground. Nick commenced on the stationary bike before doing an assortment of activities and movements later in the session. Evidently, he pulled up sore twenty minutes before the end of yesterday’s training. Josh emerged later and trained lightly after having a scan reportedly on his lower leg yesterday. Tew, Cameron, and WHE completed a mix of running on the sidelines and drills. None of these players in rehab appeared to be discernibly hampered. Later JDG clad in a light grey training top and Harrison came out and proceeded to do some running also on the outer side of the ground. It was interesting to see Harvey undertake some vigorous agility work which is suggestive of the probability that he is ahead of schedule in his comeback from the dreaded ACL. Mitchell as expected wasn’t visible as he is slated to complete a graduated build-up to the season owing to his injury flaring up.

In conjunction with the commencement of training proper at 9.38 on Wade’s signal was the walking around the arena of McRae who was his normal convivial and gregarious self as he fielded questions from the faithful, posed for pictures, signed autographs and asked the fans about themselves. His self-effacing personality is a far cry from MM’s often adversarial interactions with the followers thronging the arena. There were fans from interstate who regarded this up close and personal meeting with the coach as a bonus from their rare foray into Magpie territory for training.

As per usual there was the customary navigation of the mini-hurdles and today players were instructed to focus on leg strength by using their arms as a cross bear over their chests. For their last repetition they were told to stay ‘nice and upright’. While limbering up in the forward pocket down the river end, they carried rods above their heads, while engaged in forward kicking as they moved between some cones. They also partook of some hip swivelling while using the rods.

Thereafter they carried footballs and had to run between coaches who were holding tackling bags.

After a short drill based around precision short passing, with the group cleaving into blacks and whites, they engaged in some burst running over a distance of twenty-five metres.

There followed the taxing beep test which involved all bar those who were in rehab.
They began this arduous activity at a running speed of 12.5 which went up incrementally. From when it reached 15, the line started becoming staggered commensurate with the gradual upward adjustments.
Ash was the first to drop out and he immediately sort some massage on his apparently cramping hamstrings. Shortly after Cox and Frampton removed themselves, and not long after, Reef followed suit. There followed bulk withdrawals until the last group IQ, Sullivan, Ryan, Markov, Allan, Hayes and Jamie battled it out. The good money should always have been with IQ who was impressively strong throughout and he carried himself barrel-chested with an air of imperium as the race was reduced to three – himself, Markov and Hayes. Quaynor burned them off and then went for his encore stage to the accompaniment of baying encouragement from his teammates who loudly applauded him after he bowed out with glory. When the players raced over for their well-earned refreshment break, I congratulated him for his stellar effort as he was in the propinquity of the fence and he acknowledged it with an appreciative wave.

Following the rehydration there was an assortment of drills with contesting work largely in the spotlight and eventually all this culminated in a match simulation which featured reduced numbers due to those who were on the sidelines for a farrago of reasons.

Random observations of players:

Houston – it was hard not to notice his pinpoint kicking and the fact that he’s reasonably quick off the mark and a canny competitor. During drills he was opposed to many different players but even when seemingly out positioned he seemed to find a way to outsmart his combatant.

Hayes – the first time I cast over our last-named draftee and he could end up being one of those rare late rough diamonds or gems depending which way one looks at it. His frame is light and he’s pretty short but he looks to be ultra-determined and a feisty competitor. In one-on-one duels he was finding ways to win and even competed well with that big city in Texas. He must have been feeling enervated going deep in the beep test yet threw himself into the next series of drills with appreciable energy and he looks to be very quick with neat kicking skills.

McStay – looks super fit and lean. He showed a combative side of his personality and attitude when opposed to Tew in a one-on-one activity. ^The latter threw him, perhaps gratuitously to the ground and Dan got up and some mild fist jousting occurred. McStay asked to change partners. One surmises that the echoes of the ACL pre-season were dominating his thoughts when he responded this way.
Beau - he looks to have built more upper body strength but also looks leans and fighting fit. Was interesting to see him hoist Hill above his shoulders at one point.

Membrey – he was moving well and impressive overhead. Additionally, he is a confident presence adding experienced ballast to the group.

Schultz – the nuggety character is going under the radar a bit but he was among the last group to opt out of the beep test and he was competing in a robust manner during the drills.

Reef – is moving with speed during activities and the contract extension and possible new role in defence, appear to have buoyed his confidence because he was providing advice to the neophytes and seemed quite self-assured.

Ryan also went very well in the beep test and at one point took a strong overhead mark during contested work wherein packs competed for the ball. He would be a bonus if he comes through because he hasn’t been rated by many but we need the young ones to create a layer of emerging class below the ageing rungs of talent

Allan – also looks to have good endurance and he’s a very good size now having appeared to develop more during the break. We hope this will be a seminal year for him. He reminds me of Will Sutherland to look at.

IQ – looks more mobile than at the corresponding time last year and we know that his endurance his excellent. His skills looked slick too during drills.

Smit and Steene also look to be a good size and we look reasonably placed for ruck options below Cox and Cameron. The former took a very good mark during match simulation and he’s applying himself as assiduously and whole-heartedly as ever. West also took a strong grab during the match sim. Cochran looks quite skinny at this juncture and this translated into his work during match play.

Much to the appreciation of the fans, after Hill and Moore retreated to the pavilion side following their long running session, they obliged the calls for autographs and pictures and endured long queues for their services. Hill told the devotees that the fans are his highlight of playing for the Pies. Moore was very personable, asking all the youngsters their name and age, but insisting on the magic word if an autograph book was thrust in his direction.

Prior to training greyish sky was peppered with non-threatening clouds, while the weak sun was a shaft of light peeping through. It remained like this through training with warm conditions a touch on the humid side.

Wade emerged with his underlings before the session instructing them regarding the parameters for the beep/yo yo test and quite a bit of testing occurred in relation to the acoustics which accompany the aforementioned test. All apparatus was set-up in anticipation of a packed session.

Howe was the first on the arena just prior to half nine and he was undertaking his own preparation five minutes before being joined by end of his teammates and the colleagues who commenced their warm-up shortly thereafter were Houston and Tew who sported a tight band around his right knee.

In terms of the roll call there were some notable absentees and quite a few in the infirmary clearly in different stages of recovery or rehabilitation.

Pendles and Sidey were unsighted (presumably management protocols), while Hill and Moore worked together for the duration of training undertaking a combination of running and agility work on the outer side of the ground. Nick commenced on the stationary bike before doing an assortment of activities and movements later in the session. Evidently, he pulled up sore twenty minutes before the end of yesterday’s training. Josh emerged later and trained lightly after having a scan reportedly on his lower leg yesterday. Tew, Cameron, and WHE completed a mix of running on the sidelines and drills. None of these players in rehab appeared to be discernibly hampered. Later JDG clad in a light grey training top and Harrison came out and proceeded to do some running also on the outer side of the ground. It was interesting to see Harvey undertake some vigorous agility work which is suggestive of the probability that he is ahead of schedule in his comeback from the dreaded ACL. Mitchell as expected wasn’t visible as he is slated to complete a graduated build-up to the season owing to his injury flaring up.

In conjunction with the commencement of training proper at 9.38 on Wade’s signal was the walking around the arena of McRae who was his normal convivial and gregarious self as he fielded questions from the faithful, posed for pictures, signed autographs and asked the fans about themselves. His self-effacing personality is a far cry from MM’s often adversarial interactions with the followers thronging the arena. There were fans from interstate who regarded this up close and personal meeting with the coach as a bonus from their rare foray into Magpie territory for training.

As per usual there was the customary navigation of the mini-hurdles and today players were instructed to focus on leg strength by using their arms as a cross bear over their chests. For their last repetition they were told to stay ‘nice and upright’. While limbering up in the forward pocket down the river end, they carried rods above their heads, while engaged in forward kicking as they moved between some cones. They also partook of some hip swivelling while using the rods.

Thereafter they carried footballs and had to run between coaches who were holding tackling bags.

After a short drill based around precision short passing, with the group cleaving into blacks and whites, they engaged in some burst running over a distance of twenty-five metres.

There followed the taxing beep test which involved all bar those who were in rehab.
They began this arduous activity at a running speed of 12.5 which went up incrementally. From when it reached 15, the line started becoming staggered commensurate with the gradual upward adjustments.
Ash was the first to drop out and he immediately sort some massage on his apparently cramping hamstrings. Shortly after Cox and Frampton removed themselves, and not long after, Reef followed suit. There followed bulk withdrawals until the last group IQ, Sullivan, Ryan, Markov, Allan, Hayes and Jamie battled it out. The good money should always have been with IQ who was impressively strong throughout and he carried himself barrel-chested with an air of imperium as the race was reduced to three – himself, Markov and Hayes. Quaynor burned them off and then went for his encore stage to the accompaniment of baying encouragement from his teammates who loudly applauded him after he bowed out with glory. When the players raced over for their well-earned refreshment break, I congratulated him for his stellar effort as he was in the propinquity of the fence and he acknowledged it with an appreciative wave.

Following the rehydration there was an assortment of drills with contesting work largely in the spotlight and eventually all this culminated in a match simulation which featured reduced numbers due to those who were on the sidelines for a farrago of reasons.

Random observations of players:

Houston – it was hard not to notice his pinpoint kicking and the fact that he’s reasonably quick off the mark and a canny competitor. During drills he was opposed to many different players but even when seemingly out positioned he seemed to find a way to outsmart his combatant.

Hayes – the first time I cast over our last-named draftee and he could end up being one of those rare late rough diamonds or gems depending which way one looks at it. His frame is light and he’s pretty short but he looks to be ultra-determined and a feisty competitor. In one-on-one duels he was finding ways to win and even competed well with that big city in Texas. He must have been feeling enervated going deep in the beep test yet threw himself into the next series of drills with appreciable energy and he looks to be very quick with neat kicking skills.

McStay – looks super fit and lean. He showed a combative side of his personality and attitude when opposed to Tew in a one-on-one activity. ^The latter threw him, perhaps gratuitously to the ground and Dan got up and some mild fist jousting occurred. McStay asked to change partners. One surmises that the echoes of the ACL pre-season were dominating his thoughts when he responded this way.
Beau - he looks to have built more upper body strength but also looks leans and fighting fit. Was interesting to see him hoist Hill above his shoulders at one point.

Membrey – he was moving well and impressive overhead. Additionally, he is a confident presence adding experienced ballast to the group.

Schultz – the nuggety character is going under the radar a bit but he was among the last group to opt out of the beep test and he was competing in a robust manner during the drills.

Reef – is moving with speed during activities and the contract extension and possible new role in defence, appear to have buoyed his confidence because he was providing advice to the neophytes and seemed quite self-assured.

Ryan also went very well in the beep test and at one point took a strong overhead mark during contested work wherein packs competed for the ball. He would be a bonus if he comes through because he hasn’t been rated by many but we need the young ones to create a layer of emerging class below the ageing rungs of talent

Allan – also looks to have good endurance and he’s a very good size now having appeared to develop more during the break. We hope this will be a seminal year for him. He reminds me of Will Sutherland to look at.

IQ – looks more mobile than at the corresponding time last year and we know that his endurance his excellent. His skills looked slick too during drills.

Smit and Steene also look to be a good size and we look reasonably placed for ruck options below Cox and Cameron. The former took a very good mark during match simulation and he’s applying himself as assiduously and whole-heartedly as ever. West also took a strong grab during the match sim. Cochran looks quite skinny at this juncture and this translated into his work during match play.

Much to the appreciation of the fans, after Hill and Moore retreated to the pavilion side following their long running session, they obliged the calls for autographs and pictures and endured long queues for their services. Hill told the devotees that the fans are his highlight of playing for the Pies. Moore sometimes described as aloof, was very personable, asking all the youngsters their name and age, but insisting on the magic word if an autograph book was thrust in his direction.



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