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Date Posted: 19:17 10/01/25 Fri
Author: Jen2310
Author Host/IP: 115-129-119-140.tpgi.com.au /
Subject: Training - Friday January 10

Players in attendance:

JDG (Running/Bike work)
JD (running program)
TJ (Did some running)
Hill (Running program)
Moore (Running program)
Nick (Bike work)
HH (Running)

No Pendles and Checkers for a 2nd straight session
Mitchell, Perryman, DeMattia, Sidey also missing from training.

There was a few doing rehab/management work including Moore, Hill. The likes of Howe, TJ, DC did some running at various points of the session.

They started off with a yo-yo test. I heard this being set up as I was crossing the bridge near melbourne park. I initially thought it was some aus open thing, that maybe some players were doing a test lol Then I thought it was coming from aami park haha.

Most players participated apart from the ones on a specific program or in the rehab group.

They all did pretty well.
Ash (level 18.5) and Cox (19.5) were the first two to drop out and then Steene at the same level. Frampton and West drop at level 20. Schultz, Mcstay, Hoston, membrey, Reef at Level 20.5

Then Smit, Cochrane, Dean at level 21
Fin, Parker at level 21.5
Allan. Long, Ryan at level 22.5
Leaving three of them (IQ, Hayes and Markov) with IQ winning.

Some fundamental stuff with line rotations, some fight drills 1v1 for the forwards and defenders. Nick and Jordy helped them out by kicking the ball into F50/D50 to the contest.

Nick didn't do a whole lot. He did some running yesterday, but today was mostly on the stationary bike and then some kick to the contest stuff.

Jordy looked to be running well, progression. We'll see what he does next week and how quickly things ramp up for him, when he can get into full training.
Josh completed lots of running before going inside. Whatever his issue, I don't think it's too bad and by his running volumes, maybe only a week or so.

Lippa was very impressive as he played more in the thick of things. His follow up transition work, through congestion and then finishing his work moving up forward too. He did stronger, and no shoulder issue hampering him. He had a good year in 2024, hopefully he can go an extra step as with the older brigade coming to the end, he'll be one of the more experienced mids soon enough.

I was also impressed with Membrey and his experience was clearly on show with his lead up marking and contest up forward work.

Reef also reading leading patterns as he continues his development through the new role down back.
Charlie West and Hayes both were really good. West's hands were on show as he took some lead up marks, Hayes class, composure and inability to go into the contest no matter how frame was one that was impressive.
I noticed that Mcstay was mentoring West a little bit with positioning, giving him pointers. He'll be a great help for he kid over the next couple years.

Mcstay is looking prime. His contested marking and 1v1 is one of beauty, hopefully he is one that can stay fit this year, along with checkers -- who wasn't training.

Johnson did well in the 1v1 drills too, We know he has good hands, but this isn't anything new. It's the other stuff we hope he improves on.

They finished the session off with some match play, not full ground or even from centre bounce, but more like the mids/rucks were in a pocket, the forwards/defenders were in usual place though.

Some footage.
Match play


Those in rehab.


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