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Date Posted: 14:34 17/01/25 Fri
Author: Annabelle
Author Host/IP: 139-216-204-154.sta.dodo.net.au /
Subject: Training today Friday 17th - a few words on proceedings!

The fifty-metre arc looked freshly painted, the sky was royal blue with a few rolling fluffy clouds present, the drink station was set up and all exercise tools and toys were arranged prior to nine in readiness for the final session of the week. Josh and Howe again were the early birds but most of the group emerged shortly thereafter. Houston is usually in the top three of those gracing the arena.

When Nick arrived on the field at quarter past nine, the healthy gathering warmly applauded him, especially noting that he was clad in lime green boots which suggested he was ready for action.. Just for the record he tackled all the warm-up activities and then ran up the centre of the oval, firstly with Cameron while his teammates got stuck into training proper. He ran at what seemed below top pace and left the field in conversation with a couple of trainers at 9.55. To my eye he looked to be walking with a slight level of discomfort.
The other half of the Daici – Josh worked diligently in rehab, completing some intensive running before seeking the sanctuary of the pavilion. In terms of the infirmary, a few others visited, but more as ‘outpatients’. There are a few who seem to be carrying niggles such as Cameron who completes most of the general work but has a stint in casualty undertaking some running. Hill is also a regular visitor, Hayes tends to go in and out, while showing vigour and strong fitness in his time in main training. Tew spent the last part of the session – match simulation in this department, while Fin went off the field briefly and ran with Jamie post match sim after the latter had sought treatment on his hip during one of the rehydration breaks. Harvey Harrison is a permanent patient in rehab at this juncture. Sullivan was running laps again today. Ash received a head knock and went off.

After spilling onto the arena, the players indulged their customary desultory kick to kick routine with their mates before formal training commenced.

Before the warm-ups, the core player group was told that there were some academy players among them today and a VFL player was spotted. It was harder to hear many of the instructions from coaches because the enjoyment of training was tempered by the jarring percussive sounds of hammers and a range of dentist drill sounds as tradespeople worked on erecting a sponsor’s structure which is clearly going to accommodate some corporate activities linked with the Australian Open.

The official limbering up period was high energy today with Wade et al barking at them to maximise their opportunity to train their muscles. There was some vigorous forward kicking with the rods held aloft, players were jumping aggressively like kangaroos and they undertook some hip and neck swivelling while strategically using the rods. Wade told them to rotate through all apparatus. He told them to “reach for the sky”.

When they moved to navigate the mini hurdles, they were instructed to run at full pace, “use their legs” and they completed this with arms across their chests. IQ was even the star of this routine.

Following this, players ran with the ball and passed it to coaches who stood at the other end. They were encouraged to evade the poles which dotted this course.
After this, four groups were created with both the black and white tops cleaving. Essentially the blacks were kicking to position over a reasonable distance, while the whites were kicking to position and receivers were having shots at the goal front. They punctuated this with some concerted moves from defence to leading players in order to create a swift chain of movement.

The whole cohort reunited and this signalled another sprint session over approximately twenty-five metres. They were told to “build up” into their running. The usual suspects led and trailed during these high octane runs.
More groups formed. On the pavilion side there was a precision kicking drill which combined this skill with the honing of the players’ ground ball capabilities. On the outer side there was some agility work and players were told to bounce the ball multiple times before laying off. These activities morphed into Fraser kicking long to contests at the John Cain Arena end.
After this there were some black and white tops versus vested players activities in keepings off scenarios. The emphasis was on quick movement and evasiveness and tackling. Players were instructed to “push forward” and “chase”. Boyd screamed at them to think “corridor”, especially when weaving around opponents and there were endless repetitive sets here and frequent calls for a “reset”.

The players thereafter milled in the centre of the ground and there was a round of applause about something which will probably remain a mystery.
Another drill on the pavilion side featured ball-ups whereby the ruckman of the black vied with his white opponent and the smaller guys roved to them and then fed teammates who had to clear the maelstrom of traffic and find a pathway out the back. Cox and Smit opposed one another and when the groups swapped it was Steene vs. Cameron.

After these highly competitive drills, the players were generally blowing a bit as they partook of heir refreshment. Wade outlined to them specific phases of “our pre-season” and then individualised while setting the short-term agenda. His words were hard to decipher as the onlookers were now contending with a sonic boom overhead from a plane performing acrobatics while leaving a vaporous trail. This infernal, intrusive buzzing also attracted the attention of the players who cast their eyes skyward. A couple of the leaders chorused “ Great stuff boys” referring to their work during the session. It was also pleasing to see some mentoring taking place. Pendles is not averse to a quiet word in a youngster’s ear, while Moore sought out Allan and West for some special attention.

Three of our four ruckmen then worked with Fraser and he urged the younger charges – Smit and Steene to win their duels with their senior opponents. Cameron opted for some running here. While this was occurring, the rest of the group engaged in some more arduous sprinting.

Following this there was some whole ground ball movement as a precursor to the match simulation. The black tops occupied one semi-circle of the ground, while their white counterparts occupied the other. After a period they swapped.

Finally match simulation occurred but it seemed more of a pseudo hit out which is sure to ramp up in the ensuing weeks and when it is to be hoped that most players are healthy. Two AFL senior umpires, one being Matt Stevic officiated. Prior to this, Roughead had been in deep conversation with them and they were clearly discussing rules given the gestural movements of all.’
It was interesting to note that at one stage, Boyd had to relay a message concerning Fly’s instructions about defence.. Thus the central coach may only be on sentry duty but he’s still having clear input. Later Roughead asked his defenders to assemble while he conveyed a message to them.

Some random observations of players:

Reef – he played the third defender role for the black team and if he remains fit and confident and starts the season well, he may finally consolidate a senior position. He combined well with his fellow defenders and can rebound well with speed and he was decisive in his movements. He looks stronger and perhaps the moustache and closely cropped hair suggests he means business.

Ryan – has developed his physique but today in all activities he looked quick, sure-by hand and foot and during the whole ball movement phase he commanded the ball and looked confident in his delivery.

Lippa – maybe flying under the radar a bit. He looks lean and hungry and is constantly linking up in an unobtrusive but effective fashion. Seems it’s been mooted that he may play on the wing where whatever he lacks in speed, he can offset with elite fitness. He seems to run tirelessly and is constantly involved in ball transition.

Houston – is holding his own in the sprints but is lighting up the arena with his kicking which is appreciated by his teammates. One of his passes was too hot for Cameron whose sticky fingers generally grasp anything. It was a shock that for once that the pass wasn’t perfect. Dan has fitted in well in that he knows how to link up in forward chains and one can see that the objective will be to have in as the finisher.

Harry D – stood out more today than in any other session. He was uber busy and running with alacrity and kicking with notable precision. Teammates seemed aware or his hard running and were keen to involve him in the play. Maybe he’s growing in confidence.

Allan – he kicked a beautiful long goal during match simulation and his stocks continue to rise in terms of the confidence he now seems to have in imposing himself during drills and match play.

Cochran – looks a bit skinny and will take time but his kicking looks neat and his decision-making appears to be sound. He was also calling for the ball a lot in whole ground movement with the black team which is a testament to his burgeoning confidence in being part of the group.

Pendles – the evergreen is still weaving his magic in terms of being the king of elusiveness. He is ever the director of play and one can hear him choreographing the movements. When there was a hint of a fumble, there was a bit of a gasp despite him being far removed from his apogee.

Steele – speaking of veterans, it was interesting to see the #22 running in his trademark cap at the front of many of the burst sprinting. His endurance still comes to the fore as he burns off younger teammates and he will be conscious of those snapping at his heels. He was also prominent during the match play drills.

Membrey – looks to be the consummate professional in that he knows what to do – how to follow the running patterns and he appears to be in possession of ‘soft’ hands as he eases his way confidently into marks. Was ubiquitous in match play.

WHE – is a tad enigmatic the way he does so much hard running during matches yet so far this summer has virtually been bringing up the tail in every sprinting and/or endurance regimen. He never seems perturbed about anything though, so maybe paces himself.

Smit and Steene – both of these ruck neophytes appear to be developing quite well under the tutelage of Fraser. They both won their fair share of marking duels, even pressuring Cox and using their bodies quite well. Smit looks highly competitive and he’s an impressive unit. He played forward a bit.

Schultz was impressive today in both general activities and the match play segments. He effected a bone-crunching tackle on Crisp and when it was his turn to weave his way through traffic he avoided the would be tacklers with sheer strength and willpower. He seemed to be linking up well with teammates during match play.

JDG – completed most of the general training routines and looked very sharp. He kept up well in the running and clearly outpaced some of his teammates. His skills appeared to be on point and his current shape looks a little more conducive to avoiding injury. JDG was also noticeably vocal during the whole ground movement phase.

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