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Date Posted: 20:41 20/01/25 Mon
Author: Jen2310
Author Host/IP: 115-129-119-140.tpgi.com.au /
Subject: Training notes - January 20

Pre-season training: January 20th.

Those in rehab in some capacity.

Nick D
Josh D
Mitchell (seen on the bike)
Johnson (Walking laps - Concussion)

Can't take too much of Blacks/Whites just yet. But probably as we get into feb

Nick did lots of running
Josh and Jordy did lots of drills, but some running. Jordy more involved as he participated in some match sim. Josh it getting there.
Sullivan continuing his running. There is a thought a calf issue is his injury.

Looks like we're back to three main sessions.a week. Suppose Fly has taken back control and we're back to usual sessions from last year. They probably need the three main sessions for load during pre-season. Two likely isn't enough.

The session was pretty decent, they obviously realised the date and thought it was time to get in some proper match sim stuff, before pre-season games are just around the corner. Not to mention the intraclub in three weeks.

Today's session involved some conditioning, line group drills. Josh still training fully with the defenders. Jordy training and played match sim in the midfield.


+ Still no 2025 training kits. To the point, Parker, West dont have their jumpers with their numbers on it. Perryman's jumper is torn or faded halfly.

+ Hayes, his pace and not afraid the contest no matter his frame stood out very clearly this morning. He was very energetic up and down the ground, spoiling, intercepting the ball, his pose and decision, his composure and kicking skills are elite. Looking forward to seeing what the season brings for him.

+ West's contested marking was on show, clunking a really good mark over Darcy plus kicking a few other goals during match sim was very nice to see.

+ Cochran's run and ability to hit the contest was good to see.

+ Lippa seems to be playing more in the midfield and at cente bounce, I wonder if that's something we'll see more on game day. Add more rotations in through there for multiple players.

+ Unless my eyes were decieving me, during match sim, Sidey was playing forward... took some nice marks and kicked some goals..

+ During limited match sim, Houston did play a little in the midde. I'm just not sure he's that effective in there. We may see him now and there, but don't think it'll be very much. Its clearly just a way to have a more rotation of players around the ground.

+ Reef seems settled in that backline with the usual back 6. Taking each contest with vigor. Using his run out of the backline to set up the play. He even directs traffic. A bit like Murphy used to do. I really think he's gone ahead of Dean and Frampton in general (unless we need someone on the big boys)

+ Hopefully Oscar can stay fit, because he has good hands and able to take pack marks. He's stronger as well. but had an awful year with his body last year we couldn't get to see him develop more in the vfl.
It does appear he is the main ruck (between him and Smit) going up against DC, while he pushes forward. While Smit on the other hand is more forward, while pinching in the ruck.




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