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Date Posted: 17:35 22/01/25 Wed
Author: Annabelle
Author Host/IP: 139-216-204-154.sta.dodo.net.au /
Subject: Later report today due to schedule but notes from Wednesday's training session

Coolish conditions had replaced the sweaty weather for the beginning of training and there was more grey cloud than clear sky visible. Eventually this morphed into more warmth as the sun broke through and the gathered hordes reached for the sunscreen. As has become customary, Josh was first onto the arena, closely followed by Houston and the two indulged in kick-to kick moving closer to one another to practise a variation of distances.
Gradually the rest of those training today presented themselves and limbered up prior to the formal proceedings.

There were a few absentees today. Smit, Cochran, Hayes and Parker trained indoors as they had to attend an induction for the newbies and they could be seen leaving the arena just before eleven to attend the event.

Cox also didn’t surface which wasn’t totally surprising as he has been nursing a few niggles and has been visibly in pain during some recent drills. Nick also did not train outdoors, while Harrison remained in his rehab program and at times the likes of Checkers alternated between some activities and running. Dean who’s missed a few sessions was back in action, while Josh Daicos was more pro active today in the drills and moved well and at times with alacrity as he weaved between opponents and cones. WHE also undertook some running at stages as an alternative to the prevailing drill. Mitchell was also missing again, while JDG’s program was managed with him partially completing the block of drills but sitting on the sidelines for the final thirty minutes.

Charlie Gardiner made an appearance on the sidelines to observe the session and spent a long time in deep conversation with Joel Selwood who was an interested onlooker. Some of the players shook the hand of the latter and conversed with him following their output on the track. Fly rather than being on sentry duty today was at ground level and he conversed with Selwood for long periods.

Reef was involved in a clash of heads during a notably vigorous drill on the pavilion side and was helped up by concerned teammates, some inquiring as to how he was. He went to the drink station with a trainer and then resumed the session but after partaking of some more activities, he sort the sanctuary of the rooms but later returned and participated in match simulation to the relief of those thronging the fence.

The formal warm-up today showed some variations. The players stretched along the fence adjacent to the River End goals and then did some running up that hill. They did some kangaroo jumping and hopping, and while against the fence flexed alternate legs at reasonable speed repetitively in a strength building movement.
They then cleaved to form a blacks and white top grouping. This first drill involved some kicking to position amid some contesting work.

More groups were formed and the focus was on contesting, blocking, handball and evasion using the cones as the object to circumvent. This was repeated for a protracted period with coaches calling out “reset” and counting down 543.. to restart proceedings. This then became essentially ‘keepings off’ between the yellow vested and black tops with the foci linked to strength in withstanding tackles, tackling per se, evasion and slick laying off to teammates.
During a refreshment break whiteboards were held up with instructions directing players regarding the ensuing drills and their positioning.

Interesting in a group run by Selwood, Pendles had some input into the conduct of the drill too. I spoke with someone who observes him at Haileybury and who predicted that he will become an excellent coach.

At ten McStay who was sporting a bandage on his calf, went inside but he returned after a brief break.

A different drill in the session involved players paired, with the one starting with the ball having his partner directly behind him. That player had to kick start the activity which was another mini duel between a group involving two teams. This was high-octane and the movements here were swift and the handballs slick.
At this juncture, Joel shook hands with Joel Selwood and his day was done, though this was a ramping up from previous sessions. Moore went inside briefly and returned quickly thereafter.

Following this, there was a stronger emphasis around aerial skills as the players contested marks and effected spoils after the ball was kicked in their direction. There was general applause about something.

Harrison finished his session around 10.55.

Following another meeting of the players in the middle, a whiteboard was again held aloft and this signalled the beginning of a pseudo match simulation between the black tops and yellow vests. The skills were fairly sharp during this match play and there many fine contested marks taken.

After the match sim, most players retreated to the rooms but Long, Lippa, Allan, Houston, Perryman, Cameron, Dean and Frampton remained for some extra on-ground tutelage by the coaches and much to the delight of the gathered faithful, especially the kids with pens poised, Pendles, Moore, MsStay, Steene and Ryan obliged them by spontaneously signing autographs. The skipper enjoyed a long yarn with Joel Selwood.

Random observations of players:

Houston: Dan continues to impress. Today he unleashed some flat laser like passes which would have left a bruise on the recipients’ chests. He is more than simply a deliver of missile kicks though – he punches the ball where required and runs with celerity, linking with his teammates.

Reef – he played in defence for the black team again and was apt to steam out of defence taking a couple of bounces. He’s shaping as a very good rebounding player if his form and fitness holds and he also took an excellent contested mark at one point.

Perryman – wearing the white top with the faded number twelve, he flies under the radar but one can’t help but notice that he’s quietly efficient and you never see the egregious error. Fans may place him under some duress because of the touted salary but he looks like a flexible option who may plug holes in addition to performing set roles well.

Cameron – he was placed against Steene in the match simulation and stood out with his flawless contested marking. His hands are as sticky as glue and his size is formidable.

Harry D. and Lippa – they had an entertaining duel on a wing with both showing promising signs. The former is making position well, linking with teammates, finding a lot of the pill and kicking with precision most of the time. Lippa likewise is showing the ability to run hard and become involved in the play in a big way.

McStay looks in superb nick and is moving as well as we’ve seen over the years. He looks like combining well with Membrey and Checkers who’ve all had forward roles. Membrey is fitting into the set-up seamlessly.

Fin – he tried hard in the drills and match simulation and did some neat things but one wonders ifr he will ever develop the weapons that are destined to make him scream ‘pick me in the seniors’. He appears to be manifestly vanilla.

Steele is moving well and his ambidexterity was on show in the match play as he chose which foot to deliver with to suit the situation.

Allan continues his development as one of our potential mids as he pitted himself against other mids during the drills and match simulation.

IQ shone again in the running post the main fare.

The session was sharp and players are looking lean and mean and at times the tackling was ferocious with Schultz again making his presence felt in this facet of the game.

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