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Date Posted: 08:53 11/02/25 Tue
Author: BH
Author Host/IP: cpe-120-148-14-57.vb07.vic.asp.telstra.net /
Subject: Thanks Jen . With players who’ve been there into 2nd + yrs
In reply to: Jen2310 's message, "Match sim summary v HS" on 16:35 07/02/25 Fri

I’d appreciate your thoughts pls eg
Ryan …has always looked more of a winger than a defender , physique and style wise plus he can run
Steene …feet issues stymied his last two years but he looks to have built up and can jump
Parker..stylish player who has a long kick . Some posters say he lacks speed . Yet first impressions were of a defender who has an ability to build momentum run and kick deep . Your thoughts ?
DiMattia …finger injury mucked up year 1 . How do you see him evolving ? Small defender, Outside mid . ?
Smit…big and willing . What have you observed in him . ?

And of the 3 utter newbies
West ….we might have a long term KPF to develop . What do you notice there , understanding that big boys take time
Hayes …sounds quick , skilled and evasive
Corcoran …195 and a potential future defender .

So ( in theory at least ) with that mix of bookends , a sharp small o
Forward , two possible young rucks and a batch of medium to taller midfield / utility sized mobile young players ( Allen, Ryan, Harrison, DiMattia , Finn, the talented Jaith and Beau McC , ) we are reasonably well placed for the coming “ exodus “ via retirements

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