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Date Posted: 08:30 13/02/25 Thu
Author: collingwoodj
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Some thoughts on a few players this preseason so far.

Few more thoughts on preseason '25:

Long. Haven't mentioned him before, but I reckon it's been a huge preseason for Long. The kid is Huge, almost as tall as Allan but built like a brick shithouse, has elite endurance, and to my eye has been much, much more involved as a bullocking, defensive, inside mid this preseason, often working in tandem with Allan and Sullivan for the "Chargers", and often seeming to receive very close guidance and support from Pendles in his role. Probably a few in front of him for the role, as in Pendles, Perryman, Mitchell, Allan, but I actually think we may have a role-player here, and with the pending retirement of Pendles and Titch I will be curious to see if he earns himself another year.

Ryan is another who in recent weeks has looked very promising in match sim. is already locked in for 26 so is not under immediate pressure, but would want opportunities at senior level or at least to be really dominating VFL this year. Has been showing dash in addition to his usual defensive nous and outlet positioning, again, promising signs.

Jiath. As everyone knows I am a huge fan. But this pre he has really started to back himself to explode of the backline and back his evasiveness and sharp elbows and knees to really start to look like a potential player. Was always somewhat of a project so I would expect him to get at least one more year and hopefully it's locked away soon.

Allan. Is now being treated, and acting like, the "captain" of the "Chargers", i.e he seems to be numero uno in the young mids group. He is freakishly tall, appears to the naked eye pretty close to 200cm, and walking side by side with Moore it's heard to tell that theres much of a difference, The kid is quick, and I reckon could be immensly versatile as a player. Another already locked in for 26, watch this space.

Steene. in recent weeks has looked genuinely competitive with Cameron everywhere but in the air, and there's not many at the moment who can outmark Cameron. Looks to have potentially gone past Cox as a ruck preference, with Coxy spending the majority of his preseason in attack. Nice to have a clear succession in place.

Parker. The kid looks a very cool customer with really good game awareness and seems to be being groomed as an old fashioned back pocket behind Maynard and Q. Good signs so far in his first genuine preseason.

As for the rest, Houston, Membery and Perryman all look like adding to our side immediatly, I had thought maybe Membery was depth in that group but if preseason is anything to go by he is anything but.

And of the draftees, both Hayes and West look like good picks to me, and I reckon they are both every chance to develop into AFL level players.

Oh, and a final one, old man Markov has actually looked like he has relished the opportunity to utilize his pace off a wing at times this preseason, and may have shown enough that this isn't guaranteed to be his last season. Time will tell.

GO PIES!!!!!

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