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Date Posted: 19:36 13/02/25 Thu
Author: Rufus Youngblood
Author Host/IP: cpe-121-221-139-17.vb01.vic.asp.telstra.net /
Subject: He said tonight that he may not play the practice matches but should be right for
In reply to: Annabelle 's message, "He said tonight that he may not play the practice matches but should be right for" on 18:28 06/02/25 Thu

My mail is that it’s a ok to run but take no knocks - hairline ..

So he can run a lot no probs - and avoid collisions - get from his peak 97kg - down to 90ish …like 93/94 now

Was doing 7km before the incident - as his groins - and was going well - needs to get to 12 km a session in 3-4 weeks - can play but maybe more forward and 40% on ball ..

Both daicos also building back to 12-14km - will be fine

Any chance the club could demand a draw that is not a joke - we finish outside the 8 and get a hard draw esp first 8 weeks - reminds of last year where season was blown early with same type of draw and chasing season early

Blues 3 easiest , cats 8 th easiest - we are so passive and used by the afl

Why do we play lions up there Every year ? GWS away ???

Let blues bombers tigers promote the game

I want a football draw and a ceo who pound the table and says nope

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