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Date Posted: 15:38 15/02/25 Sat
Author: Thommo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Training report Saturday Feb 15

Went to see the boys go through their paces today, it’s the first training session I’ve seen in about two years and the first time I’ve seen some of the draftees from the last two years up close.
It wasn’t an especially arduous session nor long but did include three 20 minute match simulation quarters. Most of the drills before the match simulation involved trying to gain ground by hand but in the actual game play short kicking was the order of the day. Most of the players pushed up into the middle sections of the ground and it was obvious there’s going to be a lot of play where our forwards charge back towards goal and try to get in behind our opponents defence. Not much leading up at the ball carrier as such.
Not many goals were scored which might be an indication of what’s in store this season. Plenty of play around the boundary as well but every now and again would pull the trigger and go inboard.
Hill, Johnson, Cameron
De Mattia, Smit, Cochran, MacRae
Mitchell and de Goey participated in the drills, de Goey also did some modified non contact match play. All up he probably did about half the session. Mitchell joined the rehab group for extra running when match play started.
Nick Daicos was the standout today, he was literally everywhere and was easily the biggest possession winner.
Houston was classy, many of the drills tried to release him through the middle of the ground and he also pushed hard to try to get possession around our forward 50 arc to drill long goals.
Perryman was also good, got better as the match simulation progressed and used the ball very well.
Schultz found plenty of the ball as well pushing high up the ground, maybe it was the training jumper but he certainly seemed much slimmer than last season.
MCStay was also busy annd was heavily involved, whether up forward or rucking and looks super fit.
Membrey did ok, took a nice mark but I do wonder how he will adapt to running back towards goal a lot more than he’s probably used to.
McInnes looked lively, certainly did some impressive spoiling and even took some kick outs but once or twice was beaten or caught. He looks like he will be given every opportunity.
I’ve liked the highlights I’ve seen of Hayes and he didn’t disappoint when I saw him up close. Reckon he is just what the team needs, a fast outside threat who kicks well. Just play him.
West can clunk them but needs time to develop. Steene can also clunk them and is surprisingly fast but his ruck craft still needs some polish.
Jaith’s athleticism is something to behold, he flies at everything, runs direct at his opponents and one day should be a ripper. Still a bit skinny and raw now but not far away.
Allan looks good on occasions, just when you see him against someone as hungry as Nick Daicos, you think the tempo could still be dialled up a notch.

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