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Date Posted: 18:05 20/02/25 Thu
Author: BH
Author Host/IP: cpe-120-148-14-57.vb07.vic.asp.telstra.net /
Subject: 4 elements we need
In reply to: Rizonico 's message, "What does everyone want to see in practice matches?" on 15:41 20/02/25 Thu

1. An emerging extra tall in defence …a La Maxie, a lat Taz post Freo, akin to Murphy

The candidates are there
Frammers - he is physically the complete package ..athletic , kicks a km , can jump and can run and is the perfect build
Shortcoming ?
Clueless on body on body and in- coming ball reading

Johnno …almost ditto plus plus and he can mark …but defence is a foreign language

Reef …pumped up in media ( is that a plus ?)
Speed is wonderful for size
Dual sided ..tick tick
Good size generally
Does he have what Glen Campbell sang of in the True Grit movie ?
Let’s see

Who else .?
The kid is a rare talent…he can be anything in time with such rare very rare ability
But skinny

It might all fall to the Bruz

2 . Another powerhouse mid to feed the runners ..Nick, Josh, Lippa, Crispy, Bobby H , Steely S and maybe the new kid with pace to burn
Who though ?
Pendles is the ever adroit artful weaver and dodger
Mitch is in the casualty ward with JDG
Allen is a kid ..a big ask for a lad still growing into his frame
Ryan is skinny
Harry can run and is built but 2nd year
Long …Is a possible
So is surprise packet Parker
There’s talk of IQ but braided locks , pink boots and sky scraper passes seem to be his fixation over the last few seasons …gone are the fearless dashes and great overhead work
Physically the best answers are Houston “we don’t have a problem “ or Bruz because a kick from either lands in the square …but they are needed elsewhere

3 . A genuine marking target near goals OTHER THAN 178 cm Jamie E .
It seems that there are two genuine new chances plus a possible surprise and the odd chance that AJ might rise from the Ashes
Of course Dangerous Dan McStay . Huge man ..huge . Watch this spece
Membery …love Membery . Guts, judgment and endeavour . Wits not to like ?
The real wild card is West . Big, mobile and built . Interesting .

4. The future replacement for Coxy
Two candidates
Both young , both big . Steene has had injury issues but it seems he can really jump
Smit sounds interesting too
Expect Coxy to contribute again but the platform for these kids beneath Cameron and Cox is promising l

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